The Story of His Life- Louis

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Louis Tomlinson stared at the ceiling, a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth filling the room with smoke. His thoughts were everywhere. He knew he had to get up, he knew he needed to run down stairs and out the door to find her, to beg, to accept her half ass apology. That was, after all, what she wanted. But he couldn't. He liked where he was, and that was what confused him.

In a way he knew this would happen. That she'd cheat and leave him with Leo. He had thought though, it'd be long and drawn out, but it wasn't. She left. That wasn't the worst part. She left Leo. The woman never tried to fight for him, for child support. Her last words to him, "You can keep the kid."

That was what pissed him off the most. How could she not lover her son? The toddler cried for a week straight when she left. Leo managed to calm down though, settling in that it was in fact just him and Daddy.

At the thought of Leo, Louis put out the fag, not wanting to get sick and leave his little cub all alone. Rolling out of bed he popped his back and swished some mouth wash around. He recoiled slightly at his reflection, but decided the scruffy, ear gaged man in front of him was enough to present to the world.

Crossing the short hallway to his son's room, he crept to the crib. "Leo." he sang pleasantly. The little boy in blue stripped footed pajamas blinked awake. He rubbed at his eyes with his chubby fists. In mannerisms he was his mother. In appearance, he was his Daddy.

"Daddy! Mo'ning." He giggled reaching out for Louis.

Louis scooped up the little boy, blowing a raspberry on his tummy. He loved the sound of his son's laugh. Ready to leave the bedroom, Leo let out a gasp, squirming around in his dad's arms. Louis knew what it was. Every morning it was the same. They'd be ready to leave, and Leo would realize he left his stuffed lion in his crib and Leo would never leave without that Harry. The stuffed lion was named after his favorite Uncle, who not surprisingly, bought him the lion.

The three padded down the stairs to the kitchen, Leo tracing his name oh his daddy's chest. Louis was smart. He never got anything tattooed about that relationship on him. Leo was different though. Leo was part of him. Much like Y/N.

Sitting Leo in his highchair, he picked up the phone. He was going to call Y/N. She cared for him. They had been inseparable. That is until she came along. Y/N stopped coming over, stopped hanging out, it was like he had died. Louis never knew why, but he knew. He reasoned that she fancied him. And God, did he fancy her. Every teenage fantasy was about her, but he never said a word. His appearance plus her parents, it was oil and water-they'd never mix.

He prayed that she still had the same number she gave him the last time they talked. That day haunted Louis. Y/N had been right.

Louis held her hand as they walked giddly out of the chapel. No one would bless them, so they did it themselves. Walking down the street, she saw something in a store Louis had no interest going in, so he waited outside. He saw his best friend coming his way. "Guess what?" he shouted.

"What?" she asked with a smile, that smile.

"We got married." her smile faded, tears storming inside her. Everything shattered.

"What? Why?"

"She loves me." that's how he said it. It wasn't "We're in love." it was "she loves me."

Y/N shook her head from side to side. "Lou-she's not faithful to anyone." she whimpered.

Louis took a step back reality hitting him. "No. No. Not to me." He turned to walk away, but was stopped  by a hand slipping something into his pocket.

"Call me-if you ever need me then." Y/N said softly, turning around, running home.

Louis waited as the phone rang, and rang. Leo was singing a song he made up about Harry and how Harry turned into Uncle Harry. "That's lovely bud." he said as the ringing turned to a click.

"Hello?" Y/N asked.

"Y/N." Louis breathed for a second. "It's Louis."

There was a moment of silence, followed by the shuffling of papers- Y/N's nervous habit. "Hi, Lou."

"Daddy who  'ou talking to?" Leo asked before he could be silenced.

"Daddy?" Y/N asked feeling ready to burst into tears right then.

"You're right." Was all Louis had to say.

"I'll, I'll be right over. Where?" that was all it took. It was Louis's form of apology, and Y/N was ready. Ready to be the friend again, ready to love him again.

Louis walked in wrapping himself behind his wife. He places a kiss on her cheek, down to her neck, and spun her gently to place one on the barely there bump. Y/N and Louis got married a year to the day she went to his house. After a year of trying, they were pregnant.

Leo followed staying quiet. Two years Y/N had been here, and it just felt wrong to call her Y/N. After all, she married Daddy. She drove him to school, picked him up, helped with coloring, kids who called his dad a freak. She was Mommy material. And now, she had a baby in her. He was convinced, but they said she didn't, that she ate the baby-how else could it get inside her?

"So how was football?" she asked, placing a book back on the shelf.

Louis launched in to how good Leo was- a true Tomlinson- when Leo padded over to Y/N. She gently lifted him up on her hip, and sat slowly down in a chair. He placed his little hand on her tummy, asking the question of a lifetime, "Can I call you Mommy too?"

Louis smiled crossing over to his little family. His thoughts focused on what lie in front of him, not behind.

a/n: This is probably my favorite thing ever. Just saying.

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