Harry for Con

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a/n: Just wanted to say that this is in fact still open for requests if you want one!

I found myself giggling softly at the news report. They could never catch him. No matter how hard they tried, no one could ever catch him. Harry was too quick for that. He was too smart for that. He approached his art differently than most. He always used the same mo. He'd steal, fight, shoot, and flee. And, I had to say, he was at his best after a heist. His muscles would tighten, clenching at each breath, his curls had more bounce, his smile was cockier, his kisses more addicting.

As I waited for his return, the doorbell rang. My heart skipped slightly, Harry wouldn't be home yet. Cautionary, I approached my door reaching for the baseball bat he had me keep. Peeking into the peephole, I saw my parents.

I smacked my forehead, cursing my stupidity. They were coming over today. They were going to see Harry after an act again. They weren't his biggest fans.

"Connie." My mom ordered, "We know you're in there."

"You better not be hiding that thing." My dad snarled.

My fist clenched in despise at their remarks. Jerking the door opened, my momentary thought of outburst flooded away. I was too shy for that.  "I've told you, I prefer Con." I mumbled staring at my bare feet.

"And we've said that we don't approve of Harry, and yet we're here." My mom said smugly, her way of jabbing both points of argument.

"So what do you want?" I asked crossing my arms trying to look intimidating.

"Well, you remember Alex?" mom asked.

Alex. Yes, I remembered Alex vividly. He was the grandson of this lady my mom worked with. He was never all that cute to me, but apparently his looks were just a different form of handsome. He was rather annoying, but our shy personalities forced us to stick together. "Yes." I grunted.

"He's in town this weekend, and we thought it would be good for you to get together."

Giggling, I translated what she said. She didn't mean, "Go catch up with a friend." She meant, "Go out with him, you could get married, and our grandkids wouldn't be raised by a criminal and the girl we think he's holding hostage."

"Mom! No!" I shouted, running a hand through my brunette curls.

"Connie, just go out and see-"

"Con!" I stressed.

"if you feel something. I think you will." She continued not acknowledging my interruption.

"Mom! Get this through your head, I'm dating Harry. I'm in love with him, okay? I don't need you trying to break us up."

"That's not what we're doing is it," but before she could drag my father into this, which his input wasn't needed because I already knew of his distaste for Harry.

"YES! IT IS!" I screamed right as the back door creaked open, soft boot clicks entering the cottage.

Great, I thought, just fantastic. Harry's deep chuckled entered the room, dying off at the sight of my parents. He pulled his gun out of his baseball shirt, my parents stirring uncomfortably. He sat it on the table,

"Hello Mr. and Mrs." But he was cut off by my father.

"Don't "Hello" us. I'd like for you to put the gun away."

Harry stepped toward my father, chewing on his lips, "Listen, I'm not going to use it, though I know you'd like for me to so you could lock me up." His green eyes pierced through my dad's soul. Oh, how I wished his gaze was on me.

My parents' mouths opened and closed in sync. "Stay away from our daughter." They managed to sputter as Harry rose to his full height.

"Has it ever occurred to you, that maybe she wants this? She says it all the time, you just don't hear!"

I flinched slightly at his volume, I hated that about my shyness, I always flinched when people yelled. My mom's sharp gaze snapped toward me.

"IS IT?" she screamed, "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?" she violently pointed at Harry, her hand falling limp at her side with a thick slap.

Harry glanced at me for a fraction of a second. Just a glace long enough for me to see how much he cares, how what he does is for me, for us. Gulping, I nodded. But then, with a sudden loudness, I said, "Yes. He is."

My hazel eyes pricked with tears as I watched my parents leave, each shouting how I was never going to be their little girl anymore. How Harry changed me, how he had control over me. A gentle thumb skimmed my face, cupping my chin, facing me to him. A soft sigh left Harry's plump lips, hanging in the air for a second.

I curled one hand to his chest, gripping his t-shirt tighter and tighter, the other hesitantly reaching out for his lips. I liked the cool feeling of metal on my fingers. "You realize," he mumbled against my fingers, a small smile dancing in his eyes, "you're mine forever right?"

I grunted a response, taking his hand and leading him up stairs, a giggle falling from my lips.  So my parents didn't like Harry, so he stole and he fought, but he loved me, and that's really all I could ask for.

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