Harry for Amreen

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The flat had been lonely since Harry got busted. It had seemed too small with both of us in it, but now, it was far too big and too cold. The window still wasn’t fixed, the faucet still leaked, and the washer made that funny noise every time you overloaded it. It’s not like I couldn’t fix the things, I was keeping everything the way it was for the day that he came home. He would come home. It’s not like he killed anyone that they knew of, he just got in a little trouble with his gang and some drugs that’s all.

I tried explaining it to my mom, but she just wouldn’t get it. There was something thrilling about Harry. He lived life to its fullest with a disregard to those who thought they knew better. He took care of me just fine. I was always happy, content, expect for now. Now was the one time I was starting to regret this whole thing. Maybe I should’ve just dated a band member instead.

I stared at the wall in front on me, not really seeing what was on the TV. I just knew something was on. Shaking my head from the memories of what happened before I turned my attention to what I found to be the evening news.

Curling up to what used to be his pillow I breathed in the nonexistent scent of his. I hummed against the sound of the TV, singing a favorite song of ours. “Breaking News tonight at 11:30, there has been a mass break out of the county petitionary; there is a safety alert out. Keep your eyes open and ears tuned to...” the overly peppy anchor then continued to promote the station as being the fasted breaking news team in the area.

Bending down to the foot of the bed I picked up Andy the black and white calico that Harry and I found sleeping in the trash bin. Bringing him to my chest I began to coo to him, “You’ll keep me safe won’t you? Keep me safe until your Daddy gets home, yes.” I stroked the soft fur onto of his head, right between his ears.

Right at that moment, quite cliquey, there was a pounding on my door. I scooped up Andy who hissed at the movement, and lowered myself off the bed. Stretching my fingers under the bed I grabbed the aluminum baseball bat that Harry insisted I keep in order to keep me safe.  Tiptoeing around the flat I dropped Andy on the couch, cautiously approaching the door the pounding started again, more urgent than before.

Raising the bat up in a swing, I called out. “Who is it?”

“Amreen, it’s me, Harry.” A deep gently voiced responded quickly.

“No, no he’s in jail.” There was no way he’d risk that for me would he? Going back for me? He always said he loved me, but no that’s just unreasonable.

“No, please, kitten, it’s me. We have a cat named Andy because of that band you like. I put all those posters up in our bedroom even though it feels like we’re being watched all the time. You probably have your hand near the door knob and you’re carrying the baseball bat like a good girl.” He sounded breathless like he could cry.

I knew it was Harry. I threw the door open, latching myself onto him. His tall frame holding mine up against his, his curls tickling along, he was wet. “Why are you wet?” I asked pulling him inside.

“Pulled the fire alarm.” He said simply. “I love you.” He cooed stroking my face his soft thumb making me putty in his hands.

“They’ll find you.” I protested as his lips latched to my neck.

“That’s a risk I’m willing take.” He whimpered his hands traveling to my thighs grabbing them, pushing them around him.  “I’ve missed our bed.” He panted stumbling back that way.

“I’ve missed you in our bed.”

“I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you.”

Each sentence was said with a kiss and a disregard of clothing. “Do you still love me?” he asked softly with wide children eyes, snuggling close to me stroking my arm up and down.

“Of course, do you?” I replied.

“Why do you think I’m here? Why do you think I robbed the jewelry place?” Leaning over the side of the bed he pulled out a small box. “You can’t really say no, seeing as how I went to jail for you.”

With a shaking hand, he slides the ring onto my finger pressing a kiss all the way up to my arm. “Mrs. Styles?”

“Mrs. Styles.” I confirmed, looking forward to the unclear future.

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