Liam for Isabella Pt. 3

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It was the middle of July, and I was eight months pregnant with twin girls. Outside it was a miserable 101 degrees Fahrenheit. It didn’t help, either, that Eli was being clingy to my side, raising the temperature. 

I found relief, however, with the refrigerator. If I stood in front of the freezer with the door open, Popsicle in hand, the ac blasting, the heat became bearable. My back ached with the arch it was forced into with my stretched belly. My feet were tired of supporting baby weight. Not to forget the pain in my breasts and the spurts of lactating.

Liam entered the house, sending in a wave of heat with him. He crossed the floor, stretching his arms over my belly, rubbing up and down the skin. His lips attaching to my shoulder as he spoke, “How are my babies today?” he cooed.

“Wiggly.” I giggled, pushing him away. “I’m hot, now move.” 

“Yes, yes you are.” He purred pushing away.

As I moved into the living room, dreading having to sit down and struggle to sit back down, when it happened, a pain I was all too familiar with. “Liam.” I said laced with panic.

His head snapped my way, his big brown eyes filling with glee. “Eli! Come on bubby, we got to go!” Eli appeared at the bottom of the stairs, Liam scooped him up in one hand, collecting bags in the other.

Waddling my way to the car, Liam gently guided me into the seat, a worried smile on his face.

In the hospital room, ice was being fed to me while a wet rag was being spread all over me. “I swear to God Liam Payne, touch me again and I’ll boil your testicles.” I grunted, curling over in pain.

“Just a few more baby, just a few more.” He encouraged, squeezing my hand.

After an hour of pushing, swearing, sweating, and crying, two little girls rested in my arms: Ella and Emilia. I found myself drifting off to sleep, gently passing the two little bundles to Liam, before closing my eyes. Sleep was setting in, when the door opened. I could the light pitter of feet enter the room. “I heard Mummy screaming.” I heard him squeak, heaving himself in the chair beside Liam’s.

“She’s okay.” Liam cooed, admiring the two bundles.

“She sounded like she was in pain because of them.” I could see his pout. “I don’t like them.”

I heard ruffling, shifting, carefully and quietly. Liam probably moved the babies. “Why not, buddy?”

Eli paused a moment, taking a breath, even half asleep and I knew my baby boy. “For the past forever, all I’ve heard is about them and you guys haven’t been with me. I’ve been basically living at the Malik’s. Then Mummy’s been so busy and she’s kept the house cold and I just want to snuggle with her and I couldn’t cause of her tummy, and now they caused her pain. Why should I like them?” I could tell he was crying into Liam’s shoulder by the end.

“Hey bud, listen, your Mum and I don’t mean to get busy and make you feel like we don’t care about you, or want you. Things just get busy. We love you so much. You’re our baby boy, nothing, not even Ella and Emilia could change that.”

“They have E names too?”

“Mummy wanted to do that after you. And by the way, you caused Mummy a lot of pain too.” I could see Eli drop his head. “Cheer up Eli, you’ve got to help me. Me and you are the only men in the house now, we’ve got three girls to help take care of.”

“Really?” I could hear the faint swishing of his kicking feet and the twins light puffs of breath.

“Really. Now why don’t you go join Mummy, she could probably use a snuggle right now.”

I felt Eli curl up near my pudgy stomach. “She’s very snuggly now.” He observed, lightly resting his hand over the skin. “So, will they snuggle with us sometimes?” he asked, sleepily breathing against my chest.

“Yeah, they’ve got to grow up a bit though.” Liam assured, returning to pick them up. I fell asleep, feeling warm but not hot, with the love and hope of the future of our family

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