That's What Friends Are For part 2

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a/n: Part two of the Larry.

I stared at my alarm clock, biting on my lip. The little hands ticked around counting off each second slowly. Rolling onto my back I stared at the ceiling. A sorry excuse of a painting was sketched along the cracks. I kept meaning to fix it, to work on it, but I never had time. Whether it was work, or planning the odd couples honeymoon, or whatever else, I never had the time. Especially not now.

The familiar buzz of my phone vibrating on top of the desk pulled me from the rabbit whole of my thoughts. I rolled over again, this time to my belly and lazily threw my hand against the night stand. Searching around I tried desperately to find it. Clutching it on my grasp I unlocked it, revealing a text from Michael. A smile quickly spread across my face at the thought.

Hey, I was just wondering if, maybe, you’d want to go out or something.

I swear my heart stopped. No air could reach my lungs, my chest heaved rapidly. Michael Clifford wanted to take me out. It’s not like I had thought about what it would be like, and it wasn’t as if I didn’t want him too. I just thought I wasn’t edgy enough for him. But, then look at Harry somehow that six foot fairy snagged Louis.

Like on a date?I replied once I had oxygenated my lungs.

Lol, yes, like a date... :P I could see his face contorted in laughter: his wide dusty green eyes open, his mouth stretching and contracting with each round of laughs, his brightly colored head thrown back in delight at my innocence, while his plump pink lips stretched out into a smirk.

He was defiantly out of my limit (there’s one reference). I admit, I was a try hard (oh, there’s another one) when I first met him. I forced a swing in my hips as I waltzed around the bookstore. I was desperate for a glance, one look and I’d be satisfied.  He did more than look. He followed me to the music department. He silently joined my side, brushing his hips next to mine. The suaveness of that moment ended quickly when he rolled his hips too much, lost his balance, and the two of us fell to the dirty floor. He smiled down at me, a playful smile on his face,

“Hi, I’m Michael, and I must say that I’ll need your name and number for insurance purposes after this nasty fall we’ve taken.” He pressed himself up off me, before offering his hand to help me up. I stared at him longer than social situations allow, causing him to stir under my gaze. “You know, when someone gives you their name, you provide one in return.”

“C-Caroline.” I stuttered out.

“Well Caroline, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” He mused. Confused I glanced up at him. He motioned a hand to my Rolling Stones shirt and his.


Caroline...hello. ???

Quickly I recovered, Yeah that sounds great! Can’t wait >_<

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