Harry for Mary Jane pt. 2

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Harry stood on his door step jiggling from one leg to another his hands shaking with the cold air. His keys danced from the ring as he fit the right one into the hole. “I’m glad you’re staying with me Mary, you can help me keep up with these. I’m always losing them.”

I laughed quietly not focusing on what he was saying instead the watch on his hand. It could go for a lot, most likely the result of good business. Shaking my head I tried to snap out of it. I couldn’t steel anymore, or at least not from him.

Harry’s lanky body slipped inside pulling me in with him. He gently passed my bag of clothing from the shelter. A cute cat greeted us at the door following Harry as he turned up the thermostat. The inside was what I expected from him: cozy. It wasn’t heavy metal like he looked, no, the sprinkle of tattoos just made him interesting. His music taste was one I could get into. Every piece of furniture had a blanket thrown over the back, a book nesting on a side table, and a record player in the corner.

“So this is home from now on.” He said standing in the middle of the room his cat leaping to rest on his shoulder. “The bathroom is down the hall and to the left-don’t be afraid to take all the time and hot water you need. I’ll put a kettle on while you’re doing that. Just come in here when you’re done.” His tone was so soothing to me, I didn’t even know why. I just found his aurora perfect.


Stepping out into Harry’s living room in sweats and a muscle tee shirt I awkwardly sat down on the sofa petting the cat that curled in my lap.

“His name’s Mick.” Harry said filling the silence with his appearance in the door frame. Balancing two cups he sat them on the table.

“I like that name.” I reasoned scratching the ear of the calico kitty. I could sense what Harry was going to say. “And I know what you’re going to say so let me answer you. No, I will not steal from you. No, I will not sell for you. Yes, I will move out when you get a girlfriend. Don’t worry.”

A soft little gasp parted Harry’s lips as he shooed Mick away pulling me by my arms to his chest. “No, that’s not where I was going at all-okay maybe the first one. I would never ask you to risk your life like I do or move out because I get a girlfriend. I would hope that you wouldn’t move out because we’re dating- I thought it was the other way around.” A gentle grip tilted my chin up to Harry’s face which up close was more handsome than afar.

“What?” I asked not sure what to think.

“I want to be with you, I know we just met, but you’re story intrigues me Mary.”

“Oh, so you pity me. That’s what this is.” I snapped my pride getting in the way.

“No!! You aren’t getting it. Pity has nothing to do about this. Am I sorry that this happened to you? Not really because it brought you to me, I just wish it would’ve happened sooner.” The sweet simplicity calmed me down making me realize how nice this actually was and how hard he was trying.

“Okay.” I said catching up with my thoughts leaning into him. “Okay, it’s just a lot to take in.”

“I know, I know, but we can do it together.” Harry assured me pressing his lips gently to my head. For the first time in my life I wasn’t facing everything along, and it felt nice.

Punk One Direction One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora