Harry for Molly

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The London nights were lonely for anyone, but if you didn’t have someone there to hold you, to comfort you, to shelter you from all the shit in the world, they were murder. November brought with it its usual coldness. Clouds were covering the stars outside the window to my bedroom, but enough light from the moon and my phone kept me company. Not the kind that Molly could, not the way her short, curvy frame could puzzle piece together with mine for warmth, for love, but it was company nonetheless.

My phone rang out with, and I wasn’t ashamed to have the pop song as my ring tone for Molly, You Belong with Me. I picked up immediately, knowing if I didn’t she would question if she had done something wrong, then would proceed to become a ball of insecurity more than she already was.

“Harry?” her tone was just watery, I could hear the pain, the words thrown her way to deliberately dissect her self-esteem.  

“Molly, what’s wrong? Where are you? Do you need me to come get you?” I asked already out of bed, struggling to put on pants and slide a shirt over without catching on my lip piercing.

“No..., I just needed to talk to you. I-I...” my love couldn’t even get her sentence out before a sob racked through her entire body. I could she herself curled over, clutching at her sides-the part of her that was never perfect for the prick she was with.

“What’s wrong baby girl?” I couldn’t stop myself from calling her that.

“Harry, he, he...”

“You need to take a deep breath baby, Molly, can you do that?” there was a long shaky breath followed by silence on the other end. “Okay, now can you tell me?”

“He cheated on me. After all we’ve been through, he cheated on me.”

I could sense another break down getting ready to occur, so I quickly intervened. “I’ll stay on until you fall asleep, okay? Then tomorrow, as soon as you get up, come over. We’ll have a movie day, just like old times. You won’t even be able to remember his name by the time we’re done, okay?”

“Okay.” She shakily replied.

The next morning I was up, ordering a pizza and going to the pet store. Molly was going to love this. I just knew it. Then she’d realize that he was a complete and utter waste of her time and I’m the best thing to ever happen to her. She’d be mine, just like I always wanted.

I had everything in place when she appeared at the door, her green eyes glossy and red. “You look high.” I said to lighten the mood, earning a small smudge of a smile from her lips. “You know what they say goes good for hangovers, pizza. I have pizza. I’m a good person.” I sprinted into my bedroom collecting the squirmy kitten in my arms.

Molly slumped over to the couch, opening the box of pizza on the coffee table. Her eyes widened at the writing on top of the box. “Read it.” I ordered.

“I know this is cheesy, but, followed by an ellipsis.”

“I think you’re purrrfect.” I said sitting myself beside her, handing over the kitten.

“Harry!” she shrieked smacking my arm. “It’s adorable!”

“I know.” I gushed back, messing with the tag, turning it so she could read it.

Her eyes scanned it, mouth the words as she read, I love you. “Harry.”

“Molly, I know he’s broke you, so let me fix you.”

Molly nodded attacking me, pinning me down on the couch in a hug, the kitten squirming between us, purring in delight. If this was what my family looked like, forever seemed like a great idea.

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