Niall for Tori

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There were certain rules of the bro code. The rules were scared, all the way back to the days of the Romans-okay so maybe I’m making that up, but seriously, there are some things that your friends didn’t do to you. It was obvious that Louis didn’t get this. Louis didn’t understand that when I bring a girl home, she’s mine. Mine, as in she belongs to me, not him.

But alas, there he sat, on my couch, with my girlfriend, with his arm around her shoulder, making her laugh. Now, Louis is a funny guy, hysterical, but there is no need is making an obvious move on her. I could feel my grip tighten on the bottle of beer in my hand. Well, I’d just have to fix that.

“Hey, Tori, babe? You want a beer?”

“No,” she giggled, “but I’m sure that Lou does.” Lou, she gave him a pet name.

I grabbed another beer, taking it to him. I watched him move closer to her, his hand resting on her thigh. Oh, I can do better than that. I moved my hand to rest behind her shoulders, feeling her lean into me.

“Well damn, third wheeled and it hasn’t even been an hour. I need a girlfriend.” I grabbed ahold of his wrist, tightening the grip as he stared at the blond between us.

“You’ll find someone Ni.” Tori assured him, patting him on the wrist.

“But I’m so lonely!” he cried a bit too dramatically, flailing his arms around.

“Poor Louis,” she cooed, causing him to lean into her.

“You know who else is lonely? Me.” I mumbled.

“Hush Ni.” Tori ordered, stroking his hair. I could handle a lot of things, but that wasn’t it. “Okay, listen the two of you! I’ve been nothing but polite this entire evening and there you two go again. If you two want to be together that bad, then do it! Spare me the heart ache!” I screamed hoping off the couch.

Useless apologies fell from their mouths as I picked Louis up by the collar, sending him to the door. “Now, you can come back when you’ve learned not to hit on my girlfriend!”

I turned to Tori who looked like she could laugh. “No, this isn’t funny! How would you like it if I was getting handsy with your best friend? Huh?” I stomped into the kitchen needing harder alcohol than what I had already consumed.

A gentle hand was on my shoulder, pushing me their way. Tori pressed her lips to mind slowly. “You know I’m yours.”

“Yeah, well, let’s keep it that way.”

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