Louis for Syarisa

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a/n: I apologize for not doing it sooner, I'm a terrible person and really have no excuse after I got the ones before done. Please don't hate me. I hope you like it. x

I’d never considered myself a condoner of violence, but at this current state of time, I decided it might be my best option. I tried my best to assess my surroundings but the darkness of the basement I was in made that difficult. I frequently heard noises above me letting me know I was being held hostage by a male. I didn’t know why I was being held here, I never hurt anybody it was against my belief system, but oh well, live and let die I suppose.

Tugging once again at the chains that were wound tightly around my wrist I let out a frustrated cry. The flower crown that had been carefully styled in my hair fell from my head, hitting the carpeted floor. “Damn it all!” I screamed, kicking my legs out. The process of tugging, kicking, and crying continued for an hour until sleep crashed over my body leaving me vulnerable.

I didn’t really have a concept of time, so I couldn’t begin to estimate how long I slept-I just knew it was enough for the restraints to tighten and rub into my skin. The only way to really describe how I was feeling would be to call myself blind, I was blind to everything. As my eyes continued to adjust to the darkness, what I assumed was the door opened, flooding in light.  My eyelids quickly squinted shut, trying to prevent the pain of a bright light.

Several moments of silence passed as I tried to save my eyes. The eerie silence broke with the sound of footsteps padding softly along the floor, followed by a smooth, seductive laugh that evoked a shiver out of me.  “Sorry about that love.” The smooth tone of whoever held me said. “Guess I should’ve warned yeah, huh? Oh well, I’ve never been the brightest... that’s where you’re supposed to laugh.”

I barked out a laugh, daring my eyes open. The man was short and youthful, not really needing to be called a man, but not a boy either. He had rather sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes that led to the coldest soul I could imagine. He was dressed rather nicely in a green hoodie and tight fitting black sweatpants.  “Beautiful aren’t I?” he cracked a smile that was more of a smirk.

“Stunning.” I tried being sarcastic, but honestly it was the truth.

“Are you hungry? I brought you something.” He continued. I offered a nod, not really trusting him, but if I was going to die here, what was food poisoning? Digging into his pocket he pulled out a pack of crackers and a bottle of water.  He turned them over in his hand, seeming to contemplate his actions as if the entire world depended on it.

I tugged at my wrists, making his decision for him. He worked in reverse psychology, however, and kneeled, facing me. I opened my mouth to politely protest, but a slender finger skimmed over my lips, “Ssh, let me take care of you.”

I should’ve been unnerved by his actions, but there was something in the way his once icy eyes became seductive and siren like. They called me in like the ocean; they were a treacherous trip I took. He was gentle while touching me, cradling my body onto his.

Something in the comfort of his touch dared me to venture the pulsing questions on my mind. “Who are you?” I whispered timidly against his neck.

“You know who I am lovely. Just concentrate on the way I talk, and you’ll remember.” His tattooed arms constricted me tighter and tighter to his body.

Closing my eyes I tried to place him. He was anyone in recent memory; he wasn’t anybody from uni or work. With each passing second his grip grew tighter and I realized this could be it. “Say something else.” I choked out.

“You know me, you really know me. You always graced the halls at school too shy to be on your own and always with your friends, your stupid friends. They kept me from you because I wasn’t good enough for you, or at least that’s what they thought.”

Then it came to me, falling quickly from my lips. “Louis Tomlinson.” He changed, he cleaned himself up.

“That’s right love, you’re so smart.” Louis’s lips skimmed by cheek nipping at the skin.

“My family will be looking for me.” I cried out, know laced with panic.

“You’re family? The ones who lied to me, told me you weren’t home when you were, the ones who said you never loved me. You’re never going to see them again. I’m your family now. Me, you, and whatever else happens.”

Whatever else happens sound enticing, too enticing, so I kicked and squirmed and cried. Yet he still held on, only one of his hands freeing from his clutch. Louis reached for my flower crown gently crowning my head.

“You’re never going to get away.” He whispered, kissing my neck. My resistance stopped, I was too tired to fight it anymore. Surrendering to his touch, I nodded. “I love you Syarisa.”

Breathing in his scent, and listening to his steady, gentle heart beats and breaths, I murmured, “I love you too Louis.” And it wasn’t exactly a lie.

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