That's What Friends Are For- Punk Louis, Flower Harry

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a/n: please forgive me for the feels that will occur do to the photo attached at the side.

A lone knock pounded on my door. It wasn't a scary knock, but given the time of night, it was enough for me to grab my baseball bat. In a swinger's stance, I approached my door. Using my foot, I drug my foot stool over to the peephole. Peering through, I saw a familiar feathery head. Louis.

Unlocking the door, I let him in. I lowered my bat, and took his rain soaked coat. He stared at me, a hopeless look in his eyes. Leading him to the kitchen, I put on a kettle of tea. He sat himself up on my counter, kicking his legs.

My parents never really loved him. They recognized that I cared about him, he cared and looked out for me, but they didn't want it farther than that. I'd ask why, but I knew. He came from a very unstable home, he was covered in art, and quite frankly they couldn't get over the time he was found sleeping in my play house.  They didn't know he was gay. No one other than me, and Harry.

I quite liked Harry. If he weren't gay, yeah, I'd go for him. He was over 6 ft., broad shouldered, curly, and dimply. We listened to similar music, read the same books, and then there were the flower crowns. Everyday he'd send Louis to me with a new one to wear. When we all went out, we were offered mistook as the couple, not Louis and Harry.

He hung his red head in hands, looking vulnerable. A shaky sound leaving his pierced lips. He rung his hands together. In my years of knowing him, he'd say what he needed to when he was ready. He wasn't able to just spill everything, he needed to practice, he needed to trust. "They kicked me out."

I turned sharply, staring at him. "No!" he nodded solemnly.

"I told 'em. Told 'em what I was, and that I was happy. I found someone, and felt, free. They kicked me out." he shook off a backpack, and sat it on my floor. "I was wondering-"

"Don't even ask." I interjected, crossing to him, hugging his cuddly body. His small hands curled on my back, his nose in my shoulder.

"Harry's gonna be over in a few. We want to run away, but we don't, don't have any money." he flushed and stared at his worn converse.

"Where to?" I asked firing up my computer.

Harry showed up 5 minutes later, a curly mess. He ran to Louis, picking up the smaller boy, and holding him. I heard him mumble an "I'm sorry."

After endless cups of tea, I found and booked them a hotel in Paris. It was cheap enough. There was a bakery nearby for Harry to work at. It was perfect.

"What about money?" the two sniffled looking at me. I tiredly ran to me room. In the deep edges of my closet was a jar. In it was every bit of spare change I could find. It was covered in places I wanted to go. Paris was one of them.

When I brought it out in front of them, they shook their heads. Protests left their mouths. I shoved it toward them. "Listen, you guys can pay me back when ever, this is what friends are for." I said. Both shook their head speechless.

Early the next morning I'd thrown their bags into the trunk of Louis's car. The couple stood in front of Lou's car holding hands. "Caroline, you are truly the best friend anyone could ask for." Louis said pulling me into a hug.

"I know." I said pulling at my sleeve.

Harry coughed suddenly, as he dropped to his knee. This was another thing I'd paid for. Harry drug me out shopping on my day off to go to countless stores, but we found it eventually.

"Louis, you make me really happy. So happy I feel like my heart could burst. This isn't how I planned it, but," he had Louis hook, line, and sinker. He looked up from under his curls, "will you marry me?"

Louis jumped onto Louis pressing a thousand kisses on Harry's face. He let loose around Harry, showed his soft side.

"Yes." he mumbled against Harry's dimple.

They were a couple that gave me hope in love and two months later I ordained their marriage in front of Harry's family. We were a small family, but that's what friends are for.

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