Zayn for Sophie

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Sophie sat in the café like she did every Thursday. From the time it opened to the time it closed, she sat there. It was her one day off, except for Sunday, and she was making the most of it. Most people couldn’t understand why she’d do that, she worked there from seven to eleven every other day of the week, why willing choose to do that? The answer was quite simple, but she’d never tell them even if she could. Sophie was shy, a bit too shy.

She hadn’t always been this way. She’d been shy, but not painfully shy. Not the kind that pulled out insecurities and threw them around in her head. She had been quiet all of elementary school, sweet little thing, innocent to the world with her big blue eyes and small frame. Life was great, really. Then came middle school the synonym for Hell. Everything changed and she found herself alone. Her friends dispersed into their own new groups and she was left to fight her way through it. Then in the seventh grade it started. Everything started. Puberty hit her like train wreck, before most of the girls she knew, and after a few she knew. She gained a little weight, not a lot, but enough for people to notice. She lost it, though between middle and high school, and thought the names would stop, but it wouldn’t.

Sophie shivered at this, drawing herself from the thoughts, she was done with them, and that was good. Sipping at her tea, she returned to the warn copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The charming bell of the shop rung overhead, causing her to steal a glance to the door. She’d always do this, take a two second glance and come up with their entire life story. This time though, she couldn’t, she knew the handsome young man that walked in. He was Zayn Malik and he was one of them.

Her heart raced with panic, she felt like she was back in the halls of school, bile churning in her stomach. He scanned the shop quickly with his hazel eyes, meeting Sophie’s. He studied her for a second, recognition spreading over his face.  He took his lanky, careless, steps to the counter ordering a pastry and drink before making his way to her.

The group advanced toward her at her locker, the intention to do harm. Sophie was buried deep into the locker trying her best to ignore them. “You know something?” the lead girl asked to her posse, the boys of the group further back not fulling enjoying what was happening.

“What?” the entire group choursed like they were supposed to.

“I wonder why she doesn’t talk? Did she go mute? Or is she just too stupid to say anything?” the girls cackled in delight, knowing Sophie wouldn’t do anything.

Zayn’s stomach stirred. He really shouldn’t be doing this. His mum would kill him, yeah, a badass like him worried what his mum would do if she found out. He knew he shouldn’t even be with  this group, but they liked him, he got them what they wanted for their field parties and they didn’t insult him. Sophie surely knew that they didn’t mean it. She was smarter than the entire group combined. But he said nothing then, and kept his silence when they pulled out her journal broadcasting to the halls her deepest thoughts mercilessly. Not letting up when she began to cry.

“Awe, look, she’s crying.” The lead girl, who Zayn wasn’t even sure her name was, said. Sophie gave a pleading look to the group waiting for them to do something. She caught Zayn’s eyes begging silently.

He was misfit to, wasn’t he, with his tattoos and piercings. He should do something, but instead he let out a forced chuckle with the rest of them.

Sophie thought if she hurried, she could get up the stairs to her flat before he even tried contact. She wasn’t quick enough though, Zayn crossed to her table bending down politely. “Is this seat taken?” he asked his voice husky. She was too stunned to say anything, opting to shake her head no.

Zayn settled in, noticing Sophie wasn’t eating anything.  He broke the pasty in half, offering a bit to her, only to receive a shake again. He sighed; he knew what everything had caused. But it wasn’t like he actually did any of it. He looked down, he had intended for her to talk. “You always did like Harry Potter.” He said after several minutes of silence.

Sophie felt herself coming out of her shell. “Cut the crap Malik, what do you want?” she hissed.

Startled, Zayn recoiled slightly. “Can’t I say hello? Is that a crime?”  He asked fire starting to pulse through him.

“No, I don’t think you have that right.” Zayn could see the ice in her eyes.

“Why not?”

“You know why.” She hissed again, standing up and running away like she used to in high school. Running back into the back of the café she scaled a staircase.

Zayn followed, catching the door quickly with his foot allowing himself in. “No, I kinda of don’t.”

“Oh don’t give me that shit. Get out!” she screamed pointing to the door, Zayn shocked at this side of Shy Sophie. “You did the worst thing possible, you didn’t say anything. You could’ve stopped it, but you didn’t and that makes you just as bad if not worse.” She cries, making Zayn feel worse than he did back then.

“I’m sorry, okay? They would’ve busted me, they would’ve hurt me.”

“So you thought I could handle it? In case you didn’t notice, I have a hard time talk-“Sophie cut herself off, realizing that she had broken her code. Don’t talk more than necessary.

“What was that?” Zayn mocked stepping closer to her, reaching out for her hand. Sophie squeaked at the sound, causing Zayn to awe in delight. Sophie remained silent, “Thought so.” He chuckled brushing his nose in her hair, towering above her. “I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, for hurting you when I should’ve helped you. I know I’ve hurt you, and I’m so sorry.”

Sophie whimpered out a “How?”

Zayn pressed his tattooed body against hers, wrapping them around her waist, pulling his head from her neck. “By loving you for the rest of my life.”

Sophie knew she shouldn’t but she felt herself whispering, “Okay?” as a question.

“Okay.” He smirked pressing his lips to hers lightly.

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