Harry for me

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When I agreed to spend the summer with my friend and her boyfriend, I thought it would be fun. At first it was, but then as it got hotter so did their hormones. All day, every day, hands. It wouldn't be as bad if I wasn't the lonely third wheel.

The three of us walked out of the movie theater and into the sticky night. I wasn't scared of the dark, I just didn't like it in our neighborhood. It was sketchy. I hung in the light of the streetlamps. I watched the couple and longed for someone. I wasn't picky, I just wanted some company.

I sighed and focused on the sidewalk. Up ahead were two people shouting. Chewing my lip, I tugged my friend's ringlet curl. "Hey, could we, could we hang back. Those two look...busy." I whispered in her ear.

"Caroline, calm down. You worry too much. Besides, you'll keep me safe won't you?" just like that the couple were all over each other again. Before I could say anything smart about them during the movie, a shot rang out.

It was a haunting sound. It rang cold and quick. I saw the metallic gun fall along with one of the people. The other ran like lightening. My heart was hanging in my throat. I found myself running toward the person instead of away. The person screamed out in pain-a delayed reaction.

"HELP! PLEASE, HELP!" they managed to shout. It was a male voice, very deep and scratchy. I dropped to my knees at his side.

"CAROLINE, ARE YOU CRAZY!?" I heard the couple shout. I ignored them and focused in front of me.

The victim was more boy than man. His eyes flickered toward me, fear screaming deep inside. I avoided his gaze, it was to heartbreaking to handle. Looking downward my adrenaline kicked in. The whole in his white t-shirt leaked with blood. Each breath spilt out more blood. I needed something to form a tourniquet. I searched around and found he had a bandana pushing back dark hair. Grabbing it, I pressed it to the wound.

Looking away I shouted, "Call 9-9-9." I instructed.

"911." the boyfriend shouted back.

"THIS ISN'T AMERICA STUPID!!!!" I screamed pressing harder.

A whimper escaped the lips of the boy. "Shh," I cooed. His eyes flickered down to his stomach. "No, no, no. Look at me." I instructed removing a hand to brush his face. He stared at me his face pale. He'd lost an awful lot of blood. The moon reflected off a piercing on his lip. "What's your name?" I asked hushed.

"Har-ahh- Harry." he panted. The bandana wasn't enough. I really liked my chambray shirt, but I could always get a new one. As I pressed it down Harry tried to push me away.

"Stop." I ordered taking one of his hands. I noticed how big it was as I placed it on my cheek.

As the ambulance pulled up I stepped away. "No," he grunted reaching for my hand, "please." The ride was unnerving. Paramedics ran back and forth, and it was the same way at the hospital. I was pushed aside as they rushed to save him. I wiped my hands on my dress, I couldn't handle staring at his blood.

Harry was young, 20 at the most. He didn't deserve to die. It's be cruel to have someone so young taken. Tears spilled over as a doctor approached. "Miss?" I looked up from my lap. "You saved his life. He's out of surgery and in a room. You can stay with him if you like." I nodded.

A hand brushed my cheek, causing me to wake. Blinking I focused in on a darkly handsome boy. Harry. "Hullo, Caroline. Thank you." I shrugged suddenly shy. His heavily tattooed arms outstretched to me. "I look pretty rough I know, but, would you like to be my girl? I'm mean you saved my life, giving you my heart is the least I can do." Blushing I nodded, joining him in the bed.

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