Liam for Isabella Pt. 2

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I never thought much about what parents went through, I never really got the whole emotional first day of school concept, until Eli was born. Eli changed my whole concept about parents and life in general. It seemed like yesterday he was just a thought, a whisper of thought that almost didn’t happen, that we tried so hard for.

Liam, from questionable underwear choices in his formative years, had slight difficulty getting me pregnant, but he wasn’t about to have some strangers sperm used for our child. Then one day, it worked.

Five months later it was a boy, there was a baby boy growing inside me. Finding out the gender only meant one thing, baby shopping. It was quite funny, I remember, we had a nursery full of clothes and toys, diapers, bottles, everything except the crib which then lead us to Ikea. I didn’t need anything fancy, Eli was a baby after all, but Liam insisted on having the best for his boy. His boy. So it was in the middle of Ikea that he stood, hands on his hips, teasing smile on his face. “You don’t believe that I can put it together.”

“No, baby, I’m just saying that it might save a bit of time, that’s all.”

Needless to say, that night as I sat in the rocking chair in the nursery, Liam crouched to my belly, kissing at the taut skin. “You hear that baby, Mummy said she was sorry, that doesn’t happen often. Mummy was wrong, which is a first, shame you’re not here to see it.” I smacked his chest playfully. “Well, actually it’s probably good you’re not here to see this, don’t want to ruin your innocence. You keep messing with Mummy’s hormones and she wants Daddy.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of him in his car seat, wringing his small hands, pulling at his lip. He swallowed, looking away from Liam’s gaze. “Um, Mummy, do, do I have to go? I mean, couldn’t I go to work with you?”

Liam and I looked to each other, anxiety fueling our bodies. “Yes sweetie, but it’s only for a few hours, and then we’ll be here to pick you up and take you home.”

“Okay.” He sighed, his voice shaking with tears that didn’t want to make their presence in front of his father.

“Hey buddy, how about when we come get you, we go for ice cream and then watch Toy Story? That sound good?” Liam turned into the school lot, parking the car.

“Yeah, it does.”

I got out of the car, unbuckling Eli from the back seat. He hopped out hugging onto my lug. Liam joined my side, his arm stretching down to rest at Eli’s shoulders. We walked into the school, down the judgmental hallways Liam and I had left so long ago. I could feel the stares of the other parents, silently staring down Eli marking him as different. Liam and I didn’t want him going through the hell we went through with the pressure of making friends, if he didn’t have a single friend because of Liam’s appearance then by God, he’d have us.

He gripped my hand staring the classroom down. Eli looked to me with his father’s eyes. “I love you Mummy.” Leaning down for him, he kissed my cheek. “Love you Daddy.” He whimpered hugging Liam tight around the calf.

“Love you Eli.” Liam and I chorused, leaning onto each other, our hands finding each other’s.  

Holding his head up high, Buzz Lightyear backpack on, entered a new phase in his life. He was growing up. “Liam.” I said fighting tears.

“Isabella.” He copied, waving to Eli as a little dark haired boy ran his way, leave it to Eli to find the books. “What are we going to do now? Next thing you know he’s going to hit puberty and then it’s going to be even worse.” He continued fighting tears as we retreated to the car, him kicking along the sidewalks, puffing his chest at all the preppy parents.

“Well, in four years we’ll be doing this same thing all over again.” I said coyly.

“What? You’re pregnant?” Liam cried, picking me up. I nodded wiping at his eyes. He spun me around, drawing more glares from parents, before setting me down, his hand cradling my belly. “Hello baby.” He cooed. “It’s Daddy.”

pic: I thought David Beckham was necessary for Daddy Liam.

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