Liam for Nicole

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a/n: Hope you like it!

I once again straightened the collar of Liam's shirt. There wasn't a lot I could do, but I could straighten that collar. He hummed in annoyance yet his gentlemanliness wouldn't allow him to say anything. He didn't look like a gentleman, but you could feel it. I felt it when we met.

I was at the party my roommate decided to throw. It's not like I couldn't not go seeing as how it was in our living room. Booze flowed to the point that no amount of dry cleaning would be able to get it out of our clothes. Early on I ducked away to my room, to be with my words. If I could write a prize winning novel from this, then I'd dedicate this to drunks who I would no doubt be helping in the morning.

The vibration of the music downstairs levitated up to me. At least she let me pick the music. Just as I was about to venture down to the kitchen, my door knob turned.

"Yes, I have a bed. No you cannot use it. Why- I'm tired and need it." I snapped a bit to quickly.

A boy walked in, his hands up in a defense motion. "I'm sorry. I didn't;t mean to barge in. I'm just trying to find a place to do my paper."

I stared at him, instantly regretting it. He was handsome, really handsome. His ears were gaged, his big brown eyes matched his hair, giving him the look of a punk puppy. His arms were tattooed. The swirled ink pulled me in.

"I'm sorry, you can stay up here with me. I'm going down to get some food, do you want anything?" he politely shook his head, but he looked like a boxer, and they ate a lot didn't they? I walked out the door, before poking my head back in. "What's your name?"

"Liam." he said with a smile.


"Nicole. Nicole!" Liam pulled me from the sweet memory.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You asked if this dress looked okay, and I said, " he wrapped his arm around me, his lips peppering a kiss on my shoulder, "and I said yes. It shows off those long legs of yours and those beautiful curves."

I found myself blushing at the comment. "Alright, lets go."

Walking into my parents house, I found myself gripping his hand tighter. "Jesus woman," he muttered, loosening my grip. My parents walked into the living room, meeting us half way.

"Mum, Dad, this is Liam, Liam these are my parents." I said stepping in between them. I could see the radars my parents were projecting form their eyes over Liam.

"Nicole, what do you mean by this?" my father asked.

Turning sharply, I stared at him. "By what father?"

"This." my mum said pointing to Liam.

Liam shifted his weight, looking intimidating in the dainty living room. "Please, let me," he began, a slight grit in his tone.

"Nicole, this isn't going to happen!" Mum shrieked.

"Just go back to the tattoo parlor you came from." Dad ordered pointing Liam to the door.

"DAD! MUM! Liam is a great guy! We're both writing majors, and he's working at the paper! He makes me happy, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn if you like him or not." I hadn't realized I was crying until my mum crossed the room and pulled me into a hug.

I could tell she was studying Liam. I sensed him behind me, his large land hesitantly reaching out to touch my shoulder.

"Ma'am, I love your daughter. Sir, I'll keep her safe. She's beautiful, funny, kind, and have you read her writing? It' amazing. Please, just let me be with her, and if I ever mess up-which God I hope I don't- you can do whatever you want to me. I wouldn't blame you."

Looking out from my mom's chest, I ran to Liam's squeezing him tight. "So can we keep him?" I mumbled against his neck.

There was a sigh, long and drawn out, before my parents lazily said yes.

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