Louis for Gabi Pt. 2

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Louis wasn’t in class. Louis wasn’t out for coffee. Louis wasn’t in my flat. Louis was gone. My Louis was gone. My bag slipped of my shoulders, hitting the floor harshly. A cracked cry left my lips at the thought of him all alone. I furthered pressed into my flat seeing all of his stuff still here. He hadn’t left me. No, he’d never do that. That reassurance didn’t stop the worry, the fear though. There were about a million possibilities of where that adorable little shit was, and what he had got himself into.

A cough pulled me from my worried state. There was someone in my house. Daring a breath, I peeked into the living area seeing a familiar lad, pacing the floor. “Harry?” I said, entering the space.

Harry looked up, his eyes red and glossy. He could pass for being high if it weren’t for his asthma. I knew little things like that about the boys. Louis made sure I had an inhaler for both Harry and Niall; Liam’s doctor’s number in case his kidney messed up, Zayn’s fiancé in the event he was on a rampage. I knew every little detail because Louis cared. Louis treasured these boys. 

Harry reached a hand out to me, grabbing me to his broad chest. “Gabi, Gabi, oh Gabi.” He quivered, burying his curly head in my neck.

“Harry what’s wrong?” I pressed not comfortable with physical contact.

“Louis.” Was all he choked before I pulled him out the door and with my keys in hand.

The hospital was too sterile, too clean smelling, and too cold. The chairs outside the ICU were itchy, the coffee cold, the muffins stale. I sat with Harry on one side, Niall on the other. Zayn was out for a smoke with Liam. My leg kept shaking in anxiety, Harry’s hand resting on it.

The nurse that was assigned to keeping us out of trouble emerged looking tired, but smiled slightly nonetheless. “He’s just woken up, still a bit out of it I’m afraid, but he’s been asking for Gabi.” He was asking for me. The little shit did love me after all.

I jumped up and followed the nurse back, bracing myself for what he could look like. I entered the room, still not looking until the nurse left. “Gabi.”

I was met with the same cold eyes I always stared into. “Louis.” I sighed with a mixture of relief and worry.

“I got shot.” He stated pointing to where his appendix would be. “Almost bleed out. I was terrified. I kept thinking out you, all alone. I couldn’t bare that thought.”

The two of us were silently crying at this point. I hovered closer to the seat by his bed, taking it, grabbing his hand. “And so that’s why I sent Harry out to get you. I wanted you here when I woke up so I could do this.”

“Do wha-“I couldn’t finish my protesting question because of Louis pulling out a box. “Louis.” I said almost angry.

“Will you marry me?” he asked, peeking out from long lashes, opening the box revealing a small, simple ring.

Rushing with euphoria I threw myself onto the hospital bed, my arms latching around his neck. “Watch out for my appendix there love, they cut it out of me.” He chuckled. “So, is that a yes?”

I smacked his chest lightly, nuzzling into his neck. “Of course idiot.”

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