Harry for Sarah

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The weather was a peculiar thing. It was taunting me, mocking me. Saying to me, "Hey everyone else is happy, and then there's you." The sun shined brightly through my blinds. The sky was blue, the wind blew the leaves in the trees just enough. In all it would've made a nice picture for me to draw, but I didn't have the energy. My sketch book was on the other side of the room, and it would be too much work to get it. Even if I got it, there would be too many pictures of him.

I wanted to hate him. I wanted to go on another rampage, but every picture frame was broke, every little thing he owned was boxed up and shoved down the stairs. He deserved this. He deserved to walk in the door, see his things, and beg for my forgiveness.I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to see him on his knees, his big green eyes staring up at me.

As I thought of this I heard the door open. I smirked as I heard his curse. "SARAH! SARAH!" I traced the heart tattoo on my foot.

I remained silent, stifling a laugh as I heard his panic run up stairs. If he thought he could get away with coming home late three nights this week drunk out of oblivion, he was wrong. The doorknob to our bedroom door turned.

Harry burst in, looking like a mad man. His curls stuck out in all directions, his green eyes franticly darting around the room. His eyes landed on me. A small lump on the bed, curled up in nothing but the Nirvana shirt he had bought me for no reason.

"Sarah." he panted in his husky voice. I pointed to the door. "Baby, what, what did I do?" he asked crossing the floor to me. The bed dipping under his weight.

I scoffed at this. The slight enjoyment I had gotten earlier was gone. "What did you do?" I whispered rising off the bed. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"  I screamed. "I don't know, COMING HOME LATE. DRUNK! DOES THAT SOUND WRONG TO YOU?"

Harry's wait shifted, standing up. He walked over to me, his large hand reaching out to touch me. I flinched away causing his eyes to flicker. " I'm sorry baby, believe me. I've had a lot going on."

"What's going on that you can't tell me?" I snapped at him. He looked down at his feet almost in shame. "There's someone else isn't there?"

"No, no." he protested, but I slapped him harshly across the cheek. He hissed, grabbing m wrists.

"Sarah, I don't think that was very smart do you?" He asked turning dark. His heavily lidded eyes flickered down to met, not that it was that far down to flicker. His pillowy lips attacked my neck, his arms scooping me up and pressing me against the wall. "I already apologized to you, now you do the same."

I moaned slightly, " I'm sorry." I managed to grunt. His fingers twirled in my blonde hair, sniffing at it.

"That's a good girl. Now you want to know why?" he whispered. I could only moan in response. " Take my shirt off."

Confused at the command, I still obliged. I tore off his shirt revealing his toned and tattooed body. He sat me down, and turned. I gasped. On his back, was a new work of art. It was a heart with wings that stretched the length of his shoulder blades. Hidden among the feathers was my name and various dates from our relationship. The alcohol was to numb his pain, the lateness was due to the hours in the parlor.

There was one date I didn't realize as being important, it was today's. Before I could ask, Harry had turned back to face me, and dropped to one knee. I could only say yes.

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