Harry for Con Pt.2

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Con gripped my hand letting out another scream. "C'mon babe, you're doing great." I encouraged. My sister was on the other side of her holding the other hand. A painful cry filled the hospital room as she pushed again, tears falling from her face. It hurt to see her in this much pain, but it'd be worth it. I ran my thumb over the wedding band on her hand. Smiling at when we ran away, getting married about a month after.

I hated to do this. I really hated to do this. Five minutes, yeah, I'll wait just five more minutes. As I told myself this, I knew it would be a lie. No amount of time could prepare me for what I was about to do.

I stared at Con, her chest falling softly with each breath. Her curls covered her chest cascading down onto one of my t-shirts. It was the Ramones one. She loved that shirt. She curved over in her sleep, snuggling her back into me.  The movement was heart aching. Her mouth hung open, soft snores filling the room.

I smacked my face, rubbing it up and down the rough skin. With one arm behind my head, I stared at the ceiling. I did this exact same thing last night, but then, it was out of bliss. Glancing down to Con, I saw the darkened spots on her skin that I left with my lips.

"I love Con, God I love you. Okay? Remember that, I'll never stop. Never ever ever." I choked out trying to keep the tears away.

As I went to slip out of bed, her long bare legs caught onto me. Wrapping around mine, rubbing against the hair on my legs, warming my feet. "C'mon Con, don't make this harder for me." I mumbled.

"Then don't leave." I heard her soft voice choke out. "Don't leave me." She begged. Turning to face me I could see the tears already falling.

"Con...." was all I could say as I opened my arms to her.

"Harry." She sobbed into my bare chest clutching to the inked skin like the swirls were a whirlpool that she would sacrifice herself too.

"Con, they're onto me. They know it's me." I confessed. It was only a matter of time before this happened, I just thought maybe time would be on my side.

"Well Harry. You can't just leave me behind." She said sitting up.

"It's not safe for you out there." I told her pushing a curl behind her ear.

"What do I have here Harry?" she asked straddling me. "I chose you. My parents won't let me back in, my friends are all gone, you're all I have, and I'll be damned if you leave me." She said quite aggressively.

There was a fire that had been sparked in her hazel eyes. She was out of her shell.  "Okay, but it'll be rough. I'll have to change my name; you'll have to go by Con all the time." She snorted.

"That all you got? Let's go then Edward." she challenged letting me up to help her pack.

Out of nowhere, a wail filled the room as the doctor placed the little bundle in Con's arms. Sweat plastered strands of curls to her forehead, as the red faced baby calmed at her mother's touch. "You want to hold her?" she panted out.

Hesitantly I reached out holding the bundle. Staring at the little face I saw both me and Con. I don't know how long I held her, but it was enough that I caught Con's stare. Her eyes soft with emotion.

"I love you." She said her eyes shutting with sleep.

"I love you too." I responded then glancing down, "I love you little Darcy." I whispered kissing her blonde head.

a/n: I would so run away with Harry. Imagine it guys. Driving all day, listening to the radio, he'd probably have like a ton of photos of you, and then you'd stay in motels every night. Then one day, he'd be like let's get married, so some guy dressed as Elvis would marry you, then you'd settle down in the country and have kids and a dog and cat.  Yeah, that's nice.

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