Harry for Sophia Pt. 2

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The girl gripped her jeans, clutching the denim in her fabric over and over in her palms. She was beyond anxious. She was second guessing how smart it was too see her friends again, but, she was stronger than the drugs were, yeah, she’d be fine.

The house party was swinging, music blaring, drinks and pills flowing. Harry held onto Sophia’s hand as she made her way through her friends, checking in on them. The toll of the drugs had already begun, withering them away to nothing.

Despite her sobriety for the past ten months, she did miss the high. Sophia knew that she’d never not want it. The feeling was something that only one who had experienced it could understand. Maybe that’s why Niall never understood his sister’s struggle, but that didn’t matter. What mattered right now, was not giving in.

Sophia spotted the dearest friend of hers, Cameron, and broke free of Harry’s grasp. Running, she latched herself onto the boy’s back, giggling to him, “Guess who?”

The younger boy turned from his seat at the bar, opening his arms to his best friend. “Sophia Horan, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes!” he exclaimed, hugging her tight feeling her curves. Harry noticed that, but decided to let it slight, they were nice after all.

“Hey asshole.” She returned in banter, taking the seats beside him. Harry followed, starting to feel rather grumpy, now, grabbing a drink to drown his troubles. He made a very obvious move to stroke up his girlfriend’s thigh, squeezing at the skin.

Cameron chuckled downing his vodka in one fluid motion. He yawned, rubbing at his stomach, checking his watch. “Alice should be here soon with the coca.” He reached in his pocket pulling out the papers already rolled and ready.

“I thought you stopped.” Sophia found her heart rate escalating. She hadn’t been in a situation where she would need to say no yet, and now it was happening much too quickly.

Cameron barked out a laugh “Yeah, and aa was supposed to help with this, but look at me now.” shaking his head, reaching across the bar snatching the vodka from whoever the hell had it. Popping the top off, he brought it to his lips. “Want some?” he offered the bottle to her.

Sophia swallowed, her blue eyes flickering from the tempting bottle to Harry, and back to the bottle. His hand crawled its way to hers, stitching the fingers together. “Remember what the therapist said, remember how she cautioned you. Do you trust him as much as you trust me?” his whispered, but not nearly quiet enough for the close contact in the house.

Cameron scoffed. “Oh, so you only listen to your boyfriend now? He’s controlling you isn’t he? Just like we all said, but no, you didn’t listen to any of us, you’re friends know what’s best for you.”

Harry angrily jumped out of his seat, ready to tear into the lad, but Sophia stood between them. She grabbed Harry’s hand after smacking Cameron across the face harshly. “I listen to no one but myself now Cameron.  Listening to you guys is what got me spiraling in the first place. I’m not going back, and I advise you to clean yourself up.”

Cameron, again scoffed, “No, I don’t need help.”

Sophia led Harry through the bump and grind of bodies to the door, turning to stare at Cameron one last time, “Fine then, see you at you’re funeral.”  

Outside the house, the cool New Year’s Eve air, Sophia let out a straggly breath. “Harry, you’re my new addiction.” She decided.

Harry chuckled, pulling her in by his waist brushing his lips to hers. “Gladly.”

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