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Working as a roadie was great, I got to meet all sorts of bands and spend time with some of the sweetest people on the planet. Not to mention all the attractive fans that showed up as well.  I had spent some time with a few on the tour bus after the show before, but nothing ever really came from that but it was fun nonetheless.

So when a hardcore band needed a merch girl I more than happily volunteered and was quickly on tour with Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens. That was great because that meant I got to see two of my favorite bands perform each night for an entire tour, but that also meant a lot of fans and a lot of merch selling and a lot of people on one bus.

Despite the constant smell of beer and man-which was mostly Jaime Preciado’s feet- it wasn’t that bad. I was hired to merch in England and was more than thrilled to go. The crowd’s in England were a hell of a lot of fun. They were loud, proud, and hot, very very hot.

The bands were playing London when I met him. I was attempting to take on a mosh pit of teenagers who wanted a shirt so they could go find Vic and Kellin to have them sign it. It was getting out of hand when a whistle silenced the crowd, all turning to a boy with lilac hair. His ears were gaged and his knuckles tattooed. “Make a decent line for Christ’s sake.” He ordered not looking that threatening but his gritty Irish accent got the crowd moving.

I stared at him for several seconds longer than I should have because his milky skin looked stunning in the dimly lit theater. Snapping out of my trance I rushed to fill the orders still thinking of his gentle blue eyes and how they reflected from his lilac hair.  The rush went through quickly, dwindling down to me and him. He smiled, small dimples popping out and I could picture dimple piercings and that sounded heavenly. He coughed into his hand, laughing a little. “So what’s left love?”

I felt my face flush at the term love. I knew that it was common to call someone that over here, but still, it was nice to hear from an attractive guy. “Not much.” I finally said searching through the scattered shirts. “But I can find something for an handsome guy like you.” And I almost hit myself in the face because that was dumb. That was the worst pick up line I could’ve used.

Handing over a World Tour shirt I felt by breathing cease as he bit his lip, eyes scanning up and down my body lingering on curves and edges. “So what’s your name, angel?” he asked handing over the bills to pay.

“V-Victoria.” I stuttered, fumbling over the change.

“Keep the change love, it’s all supporting a cause isn’t it?” the stranger smirked pushing my hand with the change back, his calloused fingers brushing over my smooth skin. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. “By buying merch, we support the bands. The bands can put out more music and keep giving us a place to go to be safe and secure and belong. It also gives you a job, and me one hell of a “how I met your mother” story if I asked this beautiful girl out and things went as well as I hope they will.”

I stared blankly fighting the overwhelming urge to cry because this guy was hot and he cared and I just wanted him to hold me all the time. “I’m sure that if it’s who I think it is, they’d like your name before they took you backstage.”

“Niall Horan at your service.” He made a grand sweeping and bowing gesture before taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. I felt metal flick against my skin and him smirk. “We can have some fun with that later.”

I quickly closed up the stand, loading up and running to the bus to drop it off. I ran back to Niall grabbing his hand and rushing him backstage running, literally, into Pierce the Veil. The four older men smirked down at me, eyeing Niall down. “Hey Vic.” Vic said smirking at my nick name. “Look at you growing up.” He pinched at my cheek while the others laughed.

“Shut up.” I mumbled blushing into Niall’s shoulder.

“Awe she’s blushing.” Jaime cooed elbowing Mike who continued to smirk.

“Since I’m quite familiar with the look of “holy shit I’m getting laid tonight” I just want to remind you,” Mike held eye contact with Niall while sipping his beer, “don’t be a fool, wrap your tool. Bad things happen when you don’t.”

“Babies are not what we need on tour right now, Kellin causes enough problem as it is.” Tony murmured causing a rumble of laughter.

“Alright, well, I’m going to go.” I quickly pulled Niall back into one of the dressing rooms , locking the door.  He pressed my back against the hard wood, his nose grazing my skin.

“Promise me something.” He murmured. “Promise me that tonight won’t be it for us. Promise me after this tour you’ll come find me. Promise me we’ll stay in touch.”

I studied Niall’s face before kissing his lips as gently and innocently as possible. “I promise.”

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