Harry for Sophia

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The young girl walked into her shared flat after a rough night with her friends. She tugged her sleeves down, the last thing she needed was for her brother to get on to her about what she was doing. She was thankful, though, that her drug test wasn’t for several weeks, so the lethal mix that pumped through her would be gone by then. She’d just have to shut down for a week or so in order to pass. But, the drug test wasn’t really that high of a priority for her. She didn’t care if she passed, her body didn’t want to pass it, her body wanted what caused her to fail, and she listened to her body.

The lights were off, allowing Sophia to breathe a sigh of relief, and focus on finding the toilet. She stumbled her way through the living room and was in the kitchen getting ready to turn the corner to the toilet when the lights flicked on. Throwing her head back, she let out a groan.

“Sophia Horan do you know what time it is?” the thick accent of her brother roared in the small flat, echoing off the walls.

“Time for you to get a watch.” She mumbled turning to lean against the doorframe for support. Her body already losing the adrenaline rush it so desperately craved in the previous hours that was filled by a nice needle full of heroin.

“Sophia, this isn’t the time to be funny.” A new accent echoed in the room, the deep one of her boyfriend.

“I don’t see why it shouldn’t be Harry, I think this is all funny.” She croaked feeling the start of her overdose set in. She’d done a bit much, but not enough to die, but she’d be vomiting the whole night, she could tell that.

“How is playing with your life funny?!” Harry screamed, hitting the counter with his fist, his long curls shaking violently.

“I just find it ironic that you’re being hypocritical and that’s why it’s funny.” She challenged.

Niall, in a fit of anger, ran to his sister, pushing her flat against the nearest wall. “What the hell don’t you understand about this?! Do you want to go back to the hospital? Do you want to die, is that what you want? Do you want to leave me and Harry alone?” he screamed, shaking her fragile body.

Sophia found herself crying, sobbing as Niall backed away, his chest heaving. “We just want you to be healthy. We care. That’s all.” Niall mumbled, running a hand through his hair. “And I’ve tried all I know to do, and if Harry can’t help you, I don’t know what else to do Soph.”

Sophia slid down the wall, her head resting in her hands, the headache setting in. “Do you think I want to be like this? Do you think I would choose this for myself?” she sobbed, choking.

Harry sighed, crossing the floor and down to her. He opened his arms, holding the small girl to his broad chest. His lips caressed her hair, his thumbs wiping at her blue glass eyes. “Baby girl, we love you, so much and it scares me to see the world without you. You have to want to get better, I know you’re strong enough to, you just need to tell yourself that you need to.”

Sophia only nodded, allowing herself to be carried to bed by both men in her life. They tucked her in, Harry joining her, holding her body to his, spooning himself against her. Niall searched the room up and down collecting the pile of needles, spoons, and plastic bags, throwing them in a box. “I’ll leave the weed. You’ll need something to help with the withdrawals.” Sophia nodded, trying to control the shaking her chest was doing. “I’m going to go get rid of these. This is a new beginning baby.” Niall kissed her head before leaving to throw this over the Thames River.

Harry reached in his pocket, pulling out a joint and a light, passing it to Sophia’s lips. “Thanks.” She muttered, inhaling. She could feel the calming effect of the weed.

“This is okay, this is safe. Heroin and cocaine are not, not even if you’re with me. You could’ve gotten hurt tonight and I wouldn’t have been there to help you. This is all because I love you.”

“I love you too.” She mumbled feeling the effects kick in, sleep getting ready to set in.  Harry chuckled, to his own surprise, as she turned, burrowing herself into his chest, using his arms as a blanket.

“Sleep, baby girl, it’ll be better tomorrow.”

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