Fighting for Love

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The car was silent. Five normally rowdy boys were all silent staring out the windows trying to forget everything like they told the loving five girls to do. The sun roof was down letting in the cool starry air. It twisted in their lungs burning and smoking inside them. The broken radio was stuck on the classic rock station and that was only a bit more of a sting.

The young driver with a dark mop of hair bit the peak of his knuckle as the slow song by Journey played. It wasn’t their song, but it was the group’s song. All ten of them slow danced around the small flat floor to it last night. Last night, oh God, he thought. Last night was rough. The five boys shakily crept out into the night leaving their girls behind.

“H-Harry, mate, can you change the station?” the high pitched passenger squeaked out his fingers curling on his thighs. His auburn hair stuck out in the moonlight reflecting off the metal gages.

“Lou, I can’t, you know that.” Harry choked out opting to turn it down instead.

“We shouldn’t have listened to that last night then, ey?” Louis returned trying to crack a watery smile thinking of his girl back home. What it would be like for her to wake up alone? Would she be mad- of course. No matter how much the five girls assured them that they would be okay, that they understood the lads felt bad.

“It’s Zayn’s fault.” The little Irish one croaked.

“Shut up.” Zayn snapped his tone thick with sadness. He could see his girl dancing around the flat slowly her hips moving in a thoughtful fashion as she thought about which song to play. Zayn’s dark hair faded into the night making his teeth the only visible part of his body.

“It’s Harry’s for the station.” Liam grumbled having the hardest time. The thought of the small girl back home probably running to Harry’s for comfort made him bitter to all this. “And you know what, its Lou’s for getting us in the mess.”

At the accusation, Lou snapped around glaring at the three in the back seat. Niall’s eyes widen in amusement.  “Oh, really? And where would you be if it weren’t for this? Huh? Fighting in dodgy bars for money, living in the shelter? What about your medical bills? This is paying for that. You three owe me and Harry.” Louis’s tone laced with anger.

The three in the back slumped against their seats. “And as far as missing our girls- don’t you think we do as well? Look at Harry he never got to call her his.” This slipped too quickly from Louis’s lips before he could register what he said.

“Harry, I-“Louis tried to apologize but stopped when Harry’s eyes glossed over in pain. That was right. He messed that up bad. Harry was careless about her. They were friends, best friends, as close as friends could get and Harry didn’t realize the look of hurt that crossed her face when he talked with a pretty lady or tipped a busty waitress. Then last night, the two single ones in the group clung to each other. Harry’s hands taking her waist and pressing her close. Their chests becoming one as his chin nestled on top of her head. He towered above her glossy eyes watching her swallow repeatedly. If he didn’t come back, he wouldn’t be able to make up for it-ever.

“Shut up Louis. All of you. It’s our own faults we’re in this. We just go, fight in this rumble, pay the deal, and come home. We’re quitting. We’re getting back into school for our girls. Is that clear?” Harry hissed turning up the radio.

The other four turned to the youngest shocked at his outburst. He was always the least violent of them all. “I said, is that clear?” Harry stressed slower more punch in his pauses.

“Yes.” They chorused as Zayn pulled out the locket that hung around his neck opening it up to see the picture inside. He flicked a burning ember out the window passing the cigarette to Liam.

“That’s another thing, we’re stopping that too. Put that out, you know my asthma.” Harry grumbled turning the radio back up.

Liam threw it out the window as Niall squirmed in his seat. “Hey, uh, guys, could we stop for food in a bit?”

They chuckled before mumbling yesses as Mick Jagger began to croon out Street Fighting Man, which is something these boys wouldn’t be after this.

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