Niall for Chole

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a/n: to understand this better, listen to the song at the side. It's amazing.

I lay across our bed, staring at Chloe as she walked out of the shower the towel tucked around her chest. I, already having mine and dressed for the day, watched her intently. A faint blush spread across her cheeks as she caught my stare. I raised my eye brows at her loving the startled look on her face.  Laughing, I pointed to the closet indicating what I wanted. She crossed the floor giggling. She loved when I was silent. It made her feel, I don’t really know, but it was good nonetheless. That’s really all I wanted to do. Yet, at the same time, I needed to feel good. I liked control. I liked knowing everything about her at all times. Where she was- I knew. What she was doing-I knew. Who she was with-damn straight I knew. I came from an unstable home, and all I was trying to do was make hers stable.

“Now, what am I going to wear?” she mused with a light tone.

“Why do you ask love? You know what I’m going to do.” I said with slight grit crossing her path, pulling my shirt from the closet. My day off and I wasn’t wearing it, but damn it had my name and she was going to where it.

I handed the t shirt to where under it, the pair of jeans that flattered her well placed curves beautifully and scanned the bottom rack of shoes. She made a coughing noise causally pointing to the converse. She playfully nudged me closer to them making me chuckle. “Alright sweet heart, that works. You get dressed and come down stairs. I’m taking you out.”

She perked up, pushing me out the door. This was a rare occasion for us, but boss gave me a bonus and it had been awhile since I’d done anything for Chloe. She deserved it, really. For her to put up with me, work, and still manage to be adorable, I felt the need to do this. She appeared at the bottom of the stairs dressed in my shirt, giggling at how big it was on her.

“What’s so funny pet?” I asked. The nickname was a thing of ours. I liked calling her pet; I liked the feeling of protection over her. She liked cuddling into me, the feeling of being safe. “Hmm?”I asked wrapping my arms around her waist. Digging my thumbs into her back pockets, I gave her a light squeeze. “My shirt to big?” I stroked her dark blonde hair while she nuzzled into my neck.

“Where we going?” she asked peppering the skin of my neck with her lips.

“Anywhere you like.” I answered dangling the keys in front of her. She jumped up, grabbed them and ran to the car. Chuckling I followed, enjoying the feeling this brought her. Not every day could be like this, but I’d try to make as many as possible.

Chloe happily drove us to some little café that seemed perfect for the rain outside. I stuck out here. I stuck out everywhere. Settling into a booth, I looked around catching Chloe’s dark eyes flickering here and there. “What is it?” I asked reaching for her hand, stroking the fair skin.

She shrugged, but I saw. A very attractive guy sat in the corner. He was a good five inches taller than me, a good fifty pounds of pure muscle more than me, and about a hundred times more attractive than me. This just wasn’t good. This is why I worried. I trusted her enough during the week. “Now, pet, why you looking?” she could sense the thickness in my voice and stopped her flickering.

“I’m not.”

“Pet,” I sighed reaching out for her chin, grabbing a hold of it gently. My thumb traced her cheeks, over her lips, dotting her nose, “don’t lie. You’re mine remember.”

“I remember.” She said softly leaning into my touch. “And what we have is different, but that’s okay, because so are we.”

Something panged inside me. That was what she said to keep both of us in line. We both knew this was weird, and unhealthy, but we both stayed. That’s all that matters. “That’s right. Who do you belong to?”

“You.” She said with a smirk. “And who’s your pet?”


“I love you Niall.” She kissed the slight stubble above my lip.

“I love you Chloe.” I returned the favor kissing the tip of her nose.

Punk One Direction One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora