Harry for Nina Pt. 2

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 This woman was impossible. I knew that she would want to recover from the last douch she was with before we started dating, but six months was a bit too much. In fact, a month would’ve been too much for that guy. I tapped my fingertips against the table top, mentally groaning at her. I loved her, and she was somewhere in the zone of best friend that flirted with me.

Half an hour late, she graced into the room. Her lips pouting, her waves flowing, her eyes saying, “Notice me.” And every male’s eye turned to face her, their lustful eyes trailing her like a dog.

Rising to meet her, I pecked her cheek. She sat across from me, a smile playing on her lips.

“So how are you?”  she asked sweetly.

“Great Nina, you?” I replied with a mumble, chewing on the straw.

“Work’s a pain.” She groaned her attention flickering to a waiter whose jeans clung to his arse a bit too much. “I appreciate you taking me out.”

Smiling, I opened my mouth to take the compliment, but was cut off by her knife like words. “You’re such a great friend.” Then a small purr of content hummed in her throat as the previous waiter walked our way.

“Hello, now, what would you like love? And may I say you are quite stunning.”

Nina battered her eye lashes up at him, peeking out from her waterfall of hair. “Well, I’d love a cup of tea, and, um,” the um was more of a yum, “want to share some fries Haz?” she asked.

As delighted as I was that she used an affection name, the gaze of his eyes trailing to her chest-which did look good- bothered me. “Yeah.” I grumbled biting down on the straw again.

“Okay, I’ll be back.” He smiled, with a wink in her direction.

“So, anyway, I was thinking,” I began folding my hands on the table in front of me. Her smaller ones did the same, brushing against mine softly, “what if we...”

But I would be damned by the waiter returning with her steaming cup of tea and our order of fries. He sat them down and was about to leave when Nina grabbed his wrist, “Thank you, um, what it be too much for a cup of cheese sauce?”

“Of course not! I’ll be right back!” with that, he left Nina turning back to me.

I tugged on the metal on my lip in frustration. This girl was playing me worse than I had ever played anyone. Maybe this was my payback for all those girls before.

“You were saying?’ she continued a glint in her eyes. She knew what she was doing dammit.

“I was just saying that we should go back to my place and watch a film, I could bake some brownies.” I smiled slightly, popping a dimple out just enough for her to like it.

She sputtered out phrases as the waiter returned, handing me the check. “Hey, you doing anything tonight?” he asked her, leaning against the table.

“Maybe.” She smirked. “Maybe not.” She shrugged her shoulders gently.

“Well, ‘ere’s me numba.” He slurred as he put his check pad in between his teeth to right down his digits’.

“Nina.” I warned. “Remember what your father said. We’re supposed to go see him tonight.” I lied enjoying the glare that she gave in my direction.

“Oh, well, maybe some other time.” He mumbled walking away like the skinny little white kid he is.

Nina hopped up, fleeing out the door. I crumbled the money on the counter and sprinted out after her.

“WHAT THE HELL, HARRY?!” She screamed turning on the side walk to face me.

I gripped her elbow pulling her close to me. “What the Hell Nina?” I growled. “You can’t do that. I’m sitting here waiting patiently for you to get over that asshole from before, and there you go giving yourself away?”

She tried to tug away. “I know what it’s like to be heartbroken, I get it. But when what you’re looking for is her? Take it! Dammit! Take it!” I shouted pulling her to me, punching my lips against hers.

As my tongue flicked against her teeth, and she let me in, I threaded my fingers in her waves as she did the same with my curls.

“Okay.” She sputtered as she broke her lips from mine. “Okay.”

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