Chapter 57

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March 26, 1956

"That's a yes from Eunice, Sargent, Bobby Jr., and little Maria." Jackie called from the kitchen.

"Got it!" Jack yelled raspily, before coughing.

The phone rang again,"I'll get it!" Jack yelled before he got up shakily and went to the phone.

"Jean! Hi!" Jack said, recognizing the voice.

"Oh hi Jack! I got the message from Jackie, I hope your doing better! Me and Stephen can come for easter, we just got back from our honeymoon!"

"That's great!" Jack said, not really comfortable with talking to his sister, he didn't really understand girls, the only one that made any sense at all was Kick.

"Yes, well I have to go! Bye!" Jean said.

Jack nodded then realized Jean couldn't hear that, so he said,"Alright, see you at Easter!" and then set the phone down.

"Jean says yes." Jack yelled, and luckily he didn't cough on his words this time.

"Ok!" Jackie said.

Jack felt his legs starting to get shaky so he walked back into the living room and sat down.

"So who do we have?" Jack asked.

"Well." Jackie said.

"Kick, Patricia, and mum and dad are obvious no's but Patricia says she can send Christopher, but she has to keep Sydney with her, of course. Rose Marie has to stay at the institute, Eunice, Sargent, Bobby Jr. and baby Maria say yes, Bobby, Ethel, Kathleen, Bobby Jr., and David say yes, but Joe has to stay in the hospital. Jean and Stephen are coming, and we haven't heard from Ted and his family yet-"

Suddenly a ringing sound came from the kitchen,"I'll get it." Jackie said, standing up and handing Jack Arabella who had been in her arms.
Jack took her and watched Jackie's conversation with whoever was on the other side of the phone.

Jackie came away from the phone looking happy,"Bobby just called and he said Joe's out of the hospital and he'll be coming for easter."

Jack grinned,"That's great! Still no news from Ted?"

Jackie sighed,"No, but Bobby said that he thinks Ted will spend Easter in England."

Jack sighed,"Ok."

"Well." Jackie said,"We should start preparing, since we're going to have sixteen people in the house."

Jack nodded,"Ok, let's see, me and you will have our room. Bella can share her crib with David. We can put Christopher on the couch in your study, Eunice, Sargent, Bobby Jr., and Maria can share a bed in the empty bedroom next to Bella's room, Bobby, Ethel, Bobby Jr., and Kathleen can share the bed in the empty bedroom next to the one Eunice and her family are staying in, we can put Joe on the couch that we're on, and then Jean and Stephen can have the empty bedroom next to ours." Jackie said.

Jack looked at her in awe,"Tell me oh great one where you get your planning skills." he said to her.

Jackie laughed,"In my brain, Jack. In my brain."

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