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"I don't want to stay here," I yelled at Carter. "I want to help protect my world,"

"I get it, Ebony, but it's just not safe," he said, walking away from me.

"Carter, I'm not some useless thing that can't defend itself. I want to help." I walked quickly after him.

"I understand, but you have to realize that you will have a huge target on your back. Leon would have told them to attack you first. They will be looking for you, and I just can't put you in that situation," Carter said, turning to me.

"What makes you think that Leon would even do that?"

"Because that is what I would do if I was in that situation. I would attack him using his weakness, and I'm sorry, baby, but that's how it is."

"So I'm just supposed to stay here and hide?"

"Ebony, enough. I have shit to do, and your whining is not helping right now. I have spoken, and that is it," he yelled sternly as he walked away from me.

"This is bullshit," I yelled as I walked out of the bedroom. "I'm sick of being treated like some kind of idiot around here."

I really wanted to hit something right now.

"Eb, I can hear you screeching from my room. What is your damn problem?" Jake said as he walked towards me, scratching his head.

"Perfect," I smiled to myself.

"Why are you looking at me like I look at your underwear?" Jake said, freezing in front of me.

"I'm just really happy to see you," I smiled.

"No one is happy to see me. Are you going to hurt me again?"

"Yes," I tilted my head and grinned.

"Why?" He whined, pouting his lip.

"Because Carter is an arrogant dick who treats me like a child, and I've had enough of him yelling at me."

"Amen to that," Jake said. "What did he do this time?"

"He demands that I stay here with his mother and hide until the stupid thing is over."

"Ohhh, that sucks," he made a face. "But to be fair, Eb, he's only doing it to protect you. Maybe, just this once, you should listen to him."

"So, you agree with him that I'm just a useless idiot who should run away and hide?"

"No, but Carter is under enough stress right now, and I don't think you should be adding to it," he said quite abruptly.

"I have a right to fight for something I believe in, as does everyone else."

"Yes, but not everyone else will have an insane wolf after them with the intent to kill."

"He is attacking my world, too, and threatening my friends. I want to show him that I'm not afraid of him."

"That's the thing, Eb; you should be afraid of him. If he gets his claws on you, I dread to think what he might do. Killing you would be merciful, trust me. I'm sorry, but I agree with Carter on this one. It's just not safe for you out there right now," he shrugged.

"I'm out of here; I'm sick of this. Everyone treats me like a child around here; I want to help," I said, walking away from him.

"Not the time Eb, I'm sorry," he called after me as I walked down the long cold hallway of the castle. This is ridiculous; it's not like I want to be around Leon. Put me somewhere where I can help, anywhere but hiding like a coward with his mother and that stupid bitch of an ex-wife. I'm better than that, and I want to fight for what I believe in.

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