Chapter 46 of 48- Walking Dead

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Chapter 46- Walking Dead

"They should have let me die. Why didn't they let me die with my baby? I'm a lowlife human being, I was supposed to protect Linden, and I let him die. I deserve to be dead too, he never deserved this. I'd switch with him in a second." As she finished her sentence, her eyes began to well up with tears. "No Ronnie, don't say that, you protected him from the moment you found out you were going to be a mom. You gave up everything for him. You gave me up for him, and I'm not even mad, because I understand that love. The thought of losing both of you was too much, I wanted to go crazy just thinking about it." said Zachary as he rubbed Serronie's hair. She stared off blankly and just said, "I should have just died that night I took those pills. Going to sleep and never waking up, the most peaceful death ever. My life's been fucked up since that night. He should have just killed me; I'm left with nothing but the pain now." Zachary's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed; then he spoke, "What? What are you talking about Serronie?" She didn't reply, not even with a blink of her eyes. He touched her shoulder, and turned her slightly, "Serronie, what do you mean?" She kept her eyes forward, and stayed silent. He continued to speak to her and Serronie remained quiet.

She persisted being unresponsive for the next two days. She didn't speak, and she didn't acknowledge anyone and she barely ate anything. Zachary was extremely worried about her. He attempted to buy and fix her favorite foods. He only left after she was sleeping and was at her side each time she woke back up. Deep dark circles were starting to form around her eyes. The only time she slept was when the staff put her under sedation.

Zachary kneeled at Serronie's bed to meet her eye level. "Ronnie, why won't you talk to me? I know you're hurting, but I don't want you to go through this alone, you need me, I need you too." He grabbed her hand and stroked it with his thumb, then kissed it, "Please Serronie, just say something to me, anything. You won't say a word to me, but you freak out each time I try to leave the room." Still, it was like talking to a wall, because she didn't respond. "I'm going to leave and get some fresh air." She tightened the grip on his hands in protest to him making an exit. Zachary politely took a seat in the chair next to her bed. Shortly after, the nurse came in the room with Serronie's pain medication. A small while later, she was sleeping.

Much to Zachary's relief, Kate walked in the room moments later. She walked to the edge of the bed and rubbed Serronie's arm. She looked up at Zachary and spoke in a low tone, "So how is she?" He exhaled and shook his head. "She still hasn't said a word in almost three days. She's taking it really really hard." She glared down at Serronie with sympathy in her eyes, and then said,"She looks like something's consuming her from the inside out. I can see it in her face. She needs to talk to someone." Zachary nodded in approval. "She's still not letting you out of her sight?" Kate asked with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled, "Hell no. She acts like she's scared as hell of something, and she doesn't want to be left alone. I wish she would tell me." He paused and traced his fingers over Serronie's face as she slept. "The day I went to visit her, when I walked through the door, she was trying to tell me something, and I still have no idea what it was. It had to be serious." “Well Zack, if you need a break, you should take it before she wakes up.” “I have to run and get Serronie some stuff from her apartment, please sit with her until I get back. I think she's going to have a heart attack is she wakes up alone. I promise to be quick."

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