Chapter 22- Most Time for Little Things

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Chapter 22- Most Time for Little Things

When Friday night came, Serronie stood in her closet throwing a fit as Zachary bickered with her from the bathroom. He brushed his teeth while yelling, “You were supposed to be ready and hour ago! We always have to go through an entire fashion show before going anywhere. Hurry and put something on so we can leave!” She stomped her feet while snatching clothes from hangers and held them against her body and quickly tossing them to the side. “Grrrrrrr! I don’t know what to wear! I don’t want to be over or under dressed! This wouldn’t be happening if you let me get that red and black dress the other day!” Zachary responded fervently, “That was a Barbie doll dress! It left nothing the imagination!” They debated back and forth for another fifteen minutes.

Zachary sat on the sofa twiddling his thumbs as he stared at the clock. He became fed up with all the time she was taking to get ready. “Serronie Nilene, come out of there right now, I don’t care if you wear a sheet! Let’s go!” he shouted while rattling her bedroom doorknob. Moments later she stepped dressed in a fitted white tank top and a jean mini skirt. He narrowed his eyes at her, “So you took forever to find the smallest amount of clothes in this entire apartment?!” She scoffed loudly and put her hands on her hips. “Well do you want me to change ‘dad’?!” He grunted through his teeth, “You’re lucky we’re already late! Don’t leave out of my sight tonight!” She playfully slugged him in the arm and followed him out of the door.

Once they pulled up outside of Fernando’s house, Zachary stopped the car and turned to Serronie. “You really do look good tonight, just a bit more than I want everyone to see”, he stated while grabbing her hand. She grinned fully, “I knew you’d like it.” He slanted over the middle of their seats to kiss her lips and rub her knee. As they continued to kiss, his hand crept higher and higher up her thigh. She suddenly popped his hand when it reached the hem of her skirt. Zachary gasped and playfully popped her hand back and cackled. “Behave!”, she shrieked with a smirk while unlocking her door. He hurried out of the car to the other side to open the passenger door. They interlocked hands and approached the front door.

*This party will prove to be very...eventful......-LeeBabyRnR

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