Chapter 21- Moving Day

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Chapter 21- Moving Day

“Well of course my mom had to freak out and go to the extreme!” Serronie flopped down on the couch. “She went and installed this super weird surveillance system in here”, she said pointing at the entrance of her apartment. He walked over and observed the three headed camera hidden in the light fixture. “It’s motion activated, the cameras switch as it senses motion, and it’s supposed to catch the best angle based on the direction of the movement”, said Serronie shaking her head. “Supposedly, the video feed automatically records on my computer and saves into an archive folder with super capacity.” Zachary turned and looked at her, “Well, I happen to think it’s pretty cool. I feel better with you being here with cameras and everything, so if whatever happens, then we’ll know who came over here.” She smiled smugly, “Zack, I’m not letting any random people over here, I’m barely letting anyone I know come over here. My apartment is a dead zone, and my mother wasted her money, she’s so neurotic.”  Zachary shrugged his shoulders and replied, “You never know, it may come in very handy. Or we could make a movie”, he laughed loudly. Serronie grinned timidly and rolled her eyes.

 “You think this year will pass pretty quickly for us? Then we’ll be in the same city again. I don’t want you to leave at all.” Zachary walked in front of her and gently grabbed her chin. “I know Ronnie, I don’t want to either, but I have to. I mean you could jump right on that plane and come to Dallas with me.” Faintly a half smile touched her lips,” Nothing would make me happier than to go with you, but this stuff with my novel is holding me here for a while.” He took both of her hands in his and held them to his heart, “We’re strong, distance is nothing to us, and we’ll make it.” “But what if I go crazy Zack? I don’t know how to be away from you anymore?” Then he pulled her forward by the waist and said, “You’ll be so busy that you’ll barely notice sweetheart. Everything is going to be just fine.” With the conclusion of that sentence, he leaned down and kissed her lips. Her arms went around his neck and she stood on her tiptoes to accommodate their height difference. Zachary slipped his tongue between her lips and pulled her closer. His thumbs traced around the rim of her jeans and then floated under her shirt. Serronie quickly threw her hands down on his wrists and stopped his movement. He scoffed loudly, and then said, “Ronnie! Ugh! Give me a break!” She rocked back on her heels and glared up at him. “Zachary….you know better.” He tossed his hands in the air and took five steps backward. “You can’t blame me for trying now can you?!” She shook her head walked back over to him. Reaching up, she grabbed his cheeks, and pulled his face to hers. Then she whispered, “No marriage, no sex.” Serronie let him go and winked at him with a smile, “Now get your butt to work, these boxes aren’t going to move themselves”, she said.

They were together all of the time. He was over to her place majority of the days. He’d have a small hiatus from staying with her, but never longer than a day. The Monday before the weekend he had to leave town, they were at the table eating breakfast. “Hey Ronnie, Fernando is having a big party this weekend, and we should go. It’ll be something really fun to do before I leave.” Serronie looked up from her plate and smiled, “Now Zack, you know I don’t really like public events.” He leaned in closer to her, and gave her the puppy-dog face, “Please, for me?? I can have fun with my friends one last time, and have you by my side.” She warped her face into a teasing frown, then replied, “Okay you big baby!” He laughed loudly and planted a big kiss on her forehead. “Awesome! It’ll be great Ronnie, we can get wasted! I’d love to see you drunk”, he said anxiously with a huge smile on his face. She shook her head side to side vigorously. His expression straightened. “I don’t know if I should be doing a lot of drinking Zack, I don’t want to get sick.” “I’ll make sure that you have enough to feel good”, he retorted. A slow sigh left her mouth and she stared at her plate. “Well okay, you better take darn good care of me and look after me, I heard about Fernando’s parties.” He crooked his face to the side before saying, “Ronnie, everybody knows that you’re off limits, everybody there will be people I personally know. None of them will try anything out of line with you. I’d really have to attempt murder on anyone over my Ronnie-Roo. You’re not leaving my side.” She smiled in relief, “Okay Zacky-poo, we’ll go party hard”, she said while pumping her fist in the air. He chuckled at her and rolled his eyes.

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