Chapter 24 of 48- Drunken Rat in the Snake Pit

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Chapter 24- Drunken Rat in the Snake Pit

Minutes passed and the liquor’s effects began to manifest more and more. Serronie was very drunk. She could hardly stand in one spot without rocking, her vision was blurring, and she was slightly dizzy. After so long, she began to wander through the party in search of Zachary. As Serronie weaved through the crowd, guys were attempting to grab her arms and hands, and she continuously wiggled free. Then she began asking random people, “Where’s Zack?” Most people shrugged, some ignored her, others couldn’t understand what she was saying as her speech began to blend incoherently. The flashing and bright lights began to make her feel disoriented. There were nothing but random faces as far as her eyes could see.

She continued to walk and stumbled sideways. Far too intoxicated to catch herself, gravity was pulling her down when she slammed into the chest of a tall, muscular body. Sightless due to the lights, she reached up around his neck while turning her face to him and saying, “Zachary??” Seconds later a high pitched voice bellowed from the crowd, “Pose for the camera!” A camera flash flickered and compromised Serronie’s vision further. She was being held closely and tightly, and then she heard, “Whoa, are you okay?” Slowly her sight refocused and realized that it wasn’t Zack that was holding her. It was Jesse. Her body didn’t react as quickly as her brain. She sluggishly pulled back from him and expressed, “I can’t find Zack!” Serronie flopped forward and Jesse caught her by the elbows. He smiled devilishly as he said, “Wow! You’re really wasted.” She attempted to stand and put distance between them.

A group of three guys and two girls crowed them and one guy yelled, “Picture time!” Jesse held her close and smiled while pressing his lips to her forehead. Everyone except Serronie posed, she gripped his shirt to maintain what little balance she had left. The light blasted from the camera and the picture was taken. Jesse leaned down to speak in her ear, “You’re very drunk, and you should lie down.” She retorted, “No, I-I need Zachary Parker, you know where he is?” He pecked her on the cheek and answered, “I’ll take you back with me.” She shut her eyes and rubbed them, and then said,” You said you’ll take me back to Zachary?” He glanced around the room and over both of his shoulders. Then he replied, “Yeah, I’ll take you to him, just follow me”, he said while sliding his hand around her waist.

 Her head hung to the floor and nodded with every step. It was hard to make out who she was because her hair completely draped over her face. As they passed through the mass of people, guys were giving Jesse high-fives, and slapping him on the back. She noticed as they walked on there were fewer and fewer sets of feet passing in her visual radius. “Jes….ee, where are we going?” she asked. He repositioned his arm around her because she was walking more and more erratically. “I’m taking you to Zachary, of course”, he replied with a chuckle. When they approached a staircase, she began to walk with apprehension. “It’s okay, I got you, I’m not going to let you fall”, he said as he picked her up and ascended the steps. When they made their way up the stairs, someone was coming down.

 “Jesse!! You animal! What’s up bro?!” screamed Fernando and he whacked Jesse in the left shoulder. “Hey man”, he replied with a nod. Serronie slightly lifted her head. “This chick looks pretty trashed”, laughed Fernando as he pointed to her. Jesse chuckled quickly, and tried to keep walking. Fernando studied her closer, and then asked, “Is that…..Serronie?” Fernando lifted the hair from her face. “Well, yeah, she wanted to lay down, she’s not feeling well”, Jesse answered. Serronie mumbled, “What? Zachary….he’s taking me to Zachary.” Fernando narrowed his eyes at Jesse and pulled out his cell phone. “I just got a text from Zack, he’s out back, and has been downstairs looking for Serronie the past ten minutes. Why would he be up here where the bedrooms are?” “Well, I thought I saw him come up here”, said Jesse. “I thought you were putting her in the bed because she isn’t feeling well”, Fernando let out an angry sigh. “It’s a combination of things”, said Jesse as he held her at his side.

 Fernando shook his head in disgust, and then seized Serronie by the biceps, “Come with me Ronnie, Zack’s waiting for you in the kitchen.” Jesse reluctantly handed her over to Fernando as he the two guys were locked in a death glare. She staggered until Fernando stabilized her and they started back towards the party. He called over his shoulder to Jesse, “I thought you were better than this.” Jesse defended himself by saying, “Really man, it’s not what you think.” Serronie looked up at Fernando and inquired, “What’s wrong Fernando?” He continued walking with her and said, “Nothing, Zack’s just losing his marbles trying to find you.” “You’re a grrreat buddy”, she responded.

*Hmmmmm, some friend Jesse is, huh? lol :-P -LeeBabyRnR

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