Chapter 23 of 48- Peer Pressure

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Chapter 23- Peer Pressure

As Zachary motioned to knock, the door swung open. Richard rushed outside, stuck his head in a bush and threw up. Serronie’s eyes bucked and she held on tightly to Zachary. He laughed loudly and entered the front door. The music was blasting and there were people from wall to wall. There were colored lights and strobe lights illuminating the grand room. Majority of the partiers were obviously intoxicated. People spoke loudly over the music, and chugged down red plastic cups filled with alcohol. When Serronie and Zachary entered the kitchen, they were greeted by Jesse and a handful of other members of the football team. They greeted Zachary raucously and roughed him up in the process; he hooted wildly and returned the horseplay. Serronie stood stiffly with a half-smile on her face as she watched the guys quarrel around. Once they finished, everyone stood up and panted loudly, trying to catch their breath.

 Jesse glanced at Serronie, and then quickly gave her a double-take. “Well, well Serronie, aren’t we coming out of our shell?” he said slickly as he profiled her outfit. She recoiled slightly in embarrassment, and Zachary quickly straightened up and pulled her by his side. “Yeah, she’s fine.” He shot Jesse a poisonous look. She looked down at the floor and greeted them, “Hey guys.” Nate burst through the fellas and said, “She’s wound up way too tight, you guys need a drink!” Everyone in the kitchen cheered in agreement. Moments later, Nate reappeared with two red cups in one hand, and two test tubes in the other. “Two shots of PsychoDelic and two cups of Dumpster Drink! Guaranteed to have you slaughtered in no time!” hollered Nate as he handed the beverages over to Zachary, and he allotted one of each to Serronie. She stared down at the shot and the drink then looked up at her boyfriend. The boys began to chant, “Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!” He turned to face her and whispered, ”You okay?” Nervously she smiled and nodded her head. “All you have to do is hold your breath, drink this”, he explained holding up the test tube, “and then drink this fast as you can”, he said wiggling the red cup. “Okay”, she replied timidly. The boys gave a countdown from five, and Serronie and Zachary took their shots and chugged the cups. Serronie’s face distorted heavily as the cup left her face. Zachary howled as he threw his arms around Serronie and everyone cheered and patted them on the back. They went three more rounds with the crowd.

The night progressed and before long, Zachary and Serronie were no longer sober. They flamboyantly interacted with everyone at the party and were having a great time. “I’m glad we came”, said Serronie as she leaned against Zachary’s chest in a corner. She spoke loudly trying to be heard over the music. He leaned down to put his ear closer to her mouth, “Huh?!”, he asked. She repeated herself in an attempt to be even louder than before. “I told you it would be awesome!” he replied loudly. He wrapped his hands around her waist and she returned the action. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. They began making out in the corner of the party. A cavalry of four guys came through the party and beckoned Zachary to follow them outside. The temperature dropped and Serronie didn’t have on very warm clothing so Zachary didn’t want her to tag along. He took Serronie’s head and tried to speak into her ear, “Stay RIGHT here! I’ll be back.” “Huh?! I didn’t hear you!” she yelled out to him as he disappeared into the crowd.

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