Chapter 34 of 48- I Didn't Do It!

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Chapter 34- I Didn’t Do It!

Serronie walked in the apartment several paces behind Zachary.  He reached the foyer of his apartment and stopped.  She came to a standstill, and inched backwards. "Zack, I have to ask, and you can be honest with me, I promise I won't get upset. But, you're the only guy that I have slept around, and been drunk around, has anything every happened between us that I don't remember?" His silence was then broken. He said, “Who the hell doesn’t know that they’re pregnant?” Slowly and quietly she replied, “Apparently me, I, I thought I was just depressed. I’ve never had normal periods, so I had no clue. Zachary, I’m serious, what happened between us the night of Fernando’s party?” He stood in his initial position with his back to her, "Ronnie, look, I don't remember, but it seems like that's not something I could forget" "I know Zack, but maybe you slipped up or something, baby, we were both so drunk, I didn't just wake up pregnant spontaneously. So, I really want to know, what did we do?" He slammed his fist into the wall and knocked down two pictures that were hanging. Startled, Serronie jumped violently. 

Zachary leaned against the wall, and looked over at her. “Come here Serronie”, he said pointing at the floor to his side.  She shook her head side to side and mumbled, “No.”  “You want me to come to you?”  She began to fidget uncomfortably.  She dropped her head and lightly spoke, “Zack, I swear that I don’t understand what’s going on. You have to know something, because I don't.” She slowly approached him. “You know I love you, and I always have, I’ve never wanted anyone else, I’ve never let anyone else touch me Zachary, I promise you, something’s very wrong or you need to come clean.” He glared to the side at her, “Serronie, the last thing you want to do right now is lie to me, I don’t recommend it. And even if something did happen, it's not that easy to get pregnant.” Her voice broke as she went to speak again, “That doesn't make any sense Zachary, if it did happen, then I need to know. We were half naked, covered in passion marks, and I could barely move. If you're scared, I understand, but I’ve never lied to you about anything, you know I’d never lie to you, baby, I couldn’t lie to you.” He stared at her with a stone look on his face, and a tear dropped that he quickly wiped away.

Serronie jolted to him and wrapped her arms around his torso, and buried her face in his sweatshirt. “Zachary, I’d never do anything to hurt you, you’re everything to me. Just tell me what you did, it doesn't matter at all to me I promise, I just have to know the truth.”  He put his hands on her shoulders and eased her back away from him. “No, no, don’t push me away”, cried Serronie as she tried to embrace him again, but he wouldn’t allow it. Zachary began to grow angrier. The muscles in his arms tensed and the tone in his voice became more intense. “I think you're trying to play with my head right now Serronie, and I don't like it. I KNOW I didn't knock you up.” He walked rearward from her and wiped his face, and rested his hands on top of his head.

 “You don’t understand Zachary, there’s a mistake somewhere, with something. Honestly, I promise to you, but just please tell me, what are you not telling me?” Serronie began to walk towards him again. “Serronie, you really don’t want to be near me or touch me right now, I’m very angry and I don’t feel like myself, just, stay away from me”, said Zachary with his eyes squeezed shut. “Baby, don’t be mad at me, please! Nothing’s making sense to me right now, you’re the only person I’ve let touch me, you know you were my fir-“ Her sentence was abruptly cut off when Zachary suddenly lunged forward and grabbed the side of her neck and jerked her backwards. He yelled, “First?! I was your first Serronie?! How stupid do you think I am?” She stumbled backwards, almost losing her balance, but she was caught by the wall. Her mouth fell open in disbelief and fear, all she could say was, “Zachary......let me go, please.”

His eyes blazed with anger and tears, he roughly grabbed her shoulder with his other hand. “How the hell could you?! Do you not know what the hell I sacrificed for you, and for how long?! And you went behind my back and had sex with someone else?!” She mildly hyperventilated, and placed her hand on the forearm of the hand he had grabbing her neck. “Z-Zack-Zachary—“ she paused to catch her breath, “You’re really scaring me, calm down, and let me go.”

His face softened and he got really close to her, pressing her against the wall. He held her face in his hands and stared down at her, while shaking his head he spoke forcefully but calmly, “I believed everything you ever told me Serronie Nilene Vaughn, not once did I ever doubt you”, he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her body into his and stroked her hair. She mumbled into his chest, "Serronie Nilene Parker." He went on speaking as if she never said a word. “My only goal was to make you mine and have you to myself. That night I made love to you for the first time; it was one of the best nights of my life. You felt so real and great, just like I’d always dreamed about.”

She rubbed his back lightly and nervously. “Zachary, I dreamed about that night for a long time too, the pain and the pleasure, it was all worth it. You’re all I have wanted.”  His hands locked tightly in her hair and he snatched her head back. Serronie’s eyes shot wide open, she released a shrill cry, grabbed his hands, and bawled hysterically, “Ouch Zachary, you’re hurting me!! I never ever cheated on you, please, please let me go!” He tugged her head back more and gripped her hair a bit tighter, he pressed his face into hers, and cried while speaking through grit teeth, “Lies!! All lies Serronie! I could really…just….kill you right now!”

Her mouth stood open in incredulity and her eyes zipped around rapidly. She lifted her trembling hand to him face and wiped his tears, and she said through a labored whisper, “I-I-I’m so so-sor-sorry Zachary.” His hands fell to his sides and he dropped to his knees. Serronie shied back into the wall, still scared of what he’d do next. He pushed his face into her lap, clutched her waist tightly and sobbed uncontrollably. She hesitantly put her hands on Zack’s shoulders, and began to pet him. While staring blankly out ahead of her, and sniffling to catch her breath, she consoled him with her shaking hands. “I never wanted to hurt you. I never did anything intentionally to harm you. Somewhere I did something wrong, and this is the worst. I don’t know how to live without you; my heart beats only for you.” "So you're sorry, is that your confession?" he mumbled. "I don't know what else to say baby." He looked up at her with his bloodshot red eyes, and he didn’t say a word. Her heart dropped. Serronie knew in that moment how much pain Zachary was in, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Her stomach locked up and she began to feel sick. She stroked his hair, and slowly sank down the wall. The emotions were debilitating to the both of them. Her bottom rested on her heels when she reached the floor. Zachary leaned on his knees and planted his face in Serronie’s chest. He didn’t cry anymore, he just rested on her in silence. She began to feel dizzy and uneasy. Her entire body started to quiver mildly. “I don-I don’t feel so well, I need to l-“, her sentence was cut short as her eyes rolled close. He received her collapsing body and began to fan her. He rose to his feet and carried her to the bed.  Moments later she opened her eyes, and curled away from him. Zachary reached for Serronie and she flinched. He let his hand flop to the bed. He quietly exited the room and closed the door behind him.

She sat up in the bed and wiped her face with the back of her hand. Then she stood up and walked to the bathroom. She walked to the sink and stared in the mirror. It was hard for her to deal with her own reflection at that moment. She turned on the cold water and let it fill her hands. Tears began to burn her eyes. The thoughts in her head were rampant; she didn’t know what to make of anything that just happened. On one hand, she wanted to run to Zachary and cry, on the other hand, she was very scared of him and was no longer sure of his temper. She splashed the puddle of water that formed in her hands on to her face. Her sniffles still made her jerk now and then; she was still calming down from the incident.

Serronie went and guiltily climbed in the bed. She looked back at the door, and then quickly ran to the door to lock it. The only logical explanation for her pregnancy was Zachary. Why would he go to such heights to make her feel bad about being pregnant?  All she wanted was his honesty, and she was really appalled that he would deny it so fervently. She couldn't comprehend why he didn’t want to take responsibility for the child. What did he have to lose?

 With her back against the door, she slid down slowly until she reached the floor. Her hands slowly began to creep over her stomach and she gripped it tightly. Her sobs began to echo through the room. And she started to think, “Why me? What have I done? How had this happened?! What other explanation could there be? This isn’t possible. Zack's totally the father.” Crying loudly, she walked back over to the bed and curled up. “Four months”, she pondered. “How stupid am I? How is anyone pregnant for four months and doesn’t know it? I can’t tell anyone, this is too bizarre.”

*Somebody has a secret.........- LeeBabyRnR

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