Chapter 9- You're Here Why?!

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Chapter 9- You’re Here Why?!

Earlier that morning, Serronie was in the dressing room when she heard a few people enter. They began to talk, and right away, she knew it was Sarah and her friends. Sarah has such a distinct firm, demanding voice, it could be distinguished in a crowded room. Serronie became very quiet, she wasn't in the mood to deal with taunting from Sarah at that moment. "But yeah, like I was saying, I know he wants me, he's just playing hard to get like all cute guys", explained Sarah. Another female voice said, "Well, good luck, the worst that could happen is that he'll fall for Serronie." Sarah laughed loudly, "Are you serious?! Not a chance! All of his friends make fun of her, and, duh, it's because she's total background noise. Jesse told me that Zack is like disgusted by her. Who could blame him? And then I heard him telling Fernando that Zack thinks he can tap that, just for sport", she paused to laugh more, "We all know Serronie is inferior, I snatched Julius from under her nose so easily that it was funny. I just wanted to see how easy it would be, and come to find out, it was too easy! I'm not worried about Zack and Serronie, their names shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence. He's good as mine."

Serronie's bottom lip trembled. She couldn't believe that Zachary would say such things about her. Serronie had a crush on him, and almost felt like it was mutual on his end. Then again, maybe Sarah was just lying to impress her friends, she was known for playing dirty. Serronie scrobbled though all the alternative thoughts in her head, searching for an excuse to trust her gut on Zachary over what Sarah was saying. Regardless of it all, she was sad, and suddenly in a horrible mood.

Serronie sat alone writing in her tablet. She peered around the courtyard at everyone else socializing. Zachary laughed and conversed loudly with his friends. She noticed the group of girls that surrounded them. Sarah stayed closely by Zachary’s side laughing at his jokes; and gazing at him with adoration. Serronie simply directed her concentration back to the notebook. “Hope you’re writing about me”, said a voice from behind her. Upon glancing to her rear, she saw Julius.

 His messy hair overflowed from under his hat, framing the huge smile on his face. Serronie whimsically rolled her eyes at his comment. “Actually I’m not”, she said coldly. Julius took a seat to Serronie’s right. “What’s got you so grumpy?” he inquired. She sighed while intensely pen-stroking her paper. “I’m not grumpy, I just don’t know why you’re here.” He wagged his finger at Serronie then declared, “Oh no, don’t pull that one, you said I could bring you lunch sometimes”, and then he pulled a brown bag from his backpack. “It’s your favorite, Swiss cheese and turkey!” Without looking up from the paper, she nonchalantly commented, “Um, nope, wrong girl. That’s Sarah’s favorite, she eats it endlessly. And I hate Swiss cheese. But yeah, thanks for the effort.” Julius chuckled in embarrassment. Serronie’s lips curved at the corners. “There goes that pretty smile!” he exclaimed. She quickly closed her mouth and covered it up with her hand. “Oh stop kissing up! This railroad track of metal is in no way cute!” she bellowed. “You’d even be cute with no teeth, just because you’re the Ronz”, he lightheartedly commented. “Well thank you Julius”, she replied giving him a split second of eye contact.

“So who’s the guy you were just eyeballing? Is that your new guy? I heard you were snuggled up on some guy at that party, and he seems to fit the depiction” he probed. She scrunched her face up and scoffed, “What?! I wasn’t eye-balling anyone! I glanced over there for two seconds, thank you very much.” He reached over and snatched her tablet as he sprung to his feet. She quickly stood up and demanded, “Hey, give that back!” Julius smiled mischievously, “You still didn’t answer my question.” “Stop being a tool, there’s plenty guys over there, I don’t even know who you’re talking about!” Serronie blared while reaching for her book. “You’re so cute when you try to play oblivious Ronz”, Julius looked in Zachary’s direction. “The tall one right there that looks like a Calvin Klein model. I never took you as the type that likes jocks Ronz, it’s pretty hilarious.” After his comment, he held the tablet high over his head. She jumped intently to reach it, but Julius was too tall. “Darn it Julius, his name is Zachary! He’s my partner for the festival, and yes, we were hugged up at the party because he was saving me from the creeps! You happy now?!”

“Hmm, your partner”, Julius repeated stretching his arm higher. Serronie lept onto Julius, and wrapped her legs around him while pulling his arm down seizing the notebook. He took the opportunity to hug her tightly and spin her around, ending with a kiss on the cheek. She immediately jumped down and took her seat again. “Aw, don’t be that way, you used to love it when I did that”, mumbled Julius sitting back down. She jerked her head up, “Those times are gone Julius! Things have changed, it’s no ‘us’ anymore! Go take Sarah out to the movies on my birthday and lie about it again! We’re done, seriously.” He kneeled in front of her for eye contact and spoke sincerely, “I know Ronz. I’m every despicable adjective in the dictionary, but at least I admit it. I wasn’t thinking about how miserable I’d be without you, and I want you to be mine. Please don’t replace me.” “You have no place to be ‘replaced’”, she said sourly. She gathered her belongings and strolled away. Julius stared apologetically as she continued on her way.

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