Chapter 1- Coach Can't Be Serious!

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Chapter 1- He Can't Be Serious!

The room was in an uproar as it filled with the loud voices of the football team. Santa Bridge High School was preparing for a charity festival six months away. The coach volunteered the football players to perform in the event. Coach Vuela stood in front of the classroom and cleared his throat.

The room went silent. “Well ladies, as you all know, the Bayou City Charity Festival attracts people from all over. I expect you all to put on a great show, believe me; you all don’t want to make me look bad. I know I’ve kept a big secret of what your roles will be, but the wait is now over.” The guys in the room sat up strait and leaned in closer. A slight smile spread across the coach’s face. “You’ll be putting on couple displays of ballroom dancing.” The room erupted in groans and scoffs of disbelief. Jesse stood up and said, “Coach! You’re joking right?! This is your idea of a funny joke, right?! Now what are we really doing?” The coach walked around in a small semicircle, staring at the ground; then he raised his head up and said, “Well since you’re so outspoken Mr. Fields, I’ll make sure that you’re the first performance on the program. Anyone else feels the need to speak up?” The boys went silent and stared blankly at the front of the room.

“Now, tomorrow you all are going to be going to the ContempArt Dance School to see the girls that you’re going to be performing with at the festival. Our practices will be replaced with dance rehearsals at that school until the festival happens. The team members were not thrilled at all. The coach smiled grandly and walked out of the room.

Zachary slid down in his seat and groaned. His eyes glowered at the text message on his cell phone screen. You can’t ignore me forever, Zack; we have to talk everything out at some point. He shut his deep brown eyes and rubbed his hands over his low Caesar haircut. Air filled his lungs slowly, expanding his broad athletic chest. The text message was a grueling insult from his ex-girlfriend Amber. She was caught out on a date with another guy by Zack’s younger brother. She denied it to the sky until the pictures were shown to her. His best friend Jesse stood to his feet and began to speak.

Amber was the first girl that Zachary committed to after he realized how much he liked her. They were one of the most popular couples in school. The news of their breakup was getting around slowly but surely. Luckily, not many people asked questions, the last thing he wanted to do was admit to getting played. He took the whole situation pretty well, but was pretty hung up on keeping his emotions to himself. The last thing he wanted to do was fall for another girl like Amber.

“Hey, maybe the girls are going to look really good, you know dancers have great bodies”, said Jesse putting his jacket on. Some of the guys began to chatter in agreement. “Yeah, maybe, but a nice body can’t cure a nerd! It isn’t like they do unholy things like the cheerleaders”, alleged Richard rising to his feet. “How’s anyone going to take us serious, this is the gayest thing ever! And to make it worse, we have to dance like pansies in front of the whole town with geeks! I just can’t even believe this right now”, Zachary yelled. “Oh shut up Zack, you’re bitter towards all women right now. Ever since you and Amber didn’t work out, you’ve avoided the female race”, spat Jesse. Zachary laughed loudly and stomped his feet. “Really dude?! I’m so over Amber that it’s crazy! My problem is I have standards now. Shallow blondes that have been cheer-leading since they could walk are no longer my type.” “And apparently contemporary dancing squares don’t do it for you either”, joked Richard.

Zachary and all of his friends were very playful. It was a daily thing for them to joke at the expense of others. Their bonds were very tight. Zachary did a conscious job of making himself look good at all times so he'd never be the butt of the jokes. He wasn't always successful, when anyone had the opportunity to bag on Zachary, they took it.

*I promise it gets so much better readers! :) Vote vote vote and feedback plz!! :-) -LeeBabyRnR

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