Chapter 25 of 48- Lay Me Down

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Chapter 25- Lay Me Down

They made their way through the crowd and shortly after, they were in the kitchen. Zackary sprinted to them quickly and grabbed Serronie’s shoulders and held her tightly. “Nando, dude, thanks for finding her!” He lifted his hand and waved it, “Hey, it’s nothing. I was just in the right place at the right time. You may want to consider keeping a closer eye on her when she’s this drunk, anything could happen.” Zachary tilted his head and asked, “What are you saying? Did something happen?” Fernando shook his head side to side with a relaxed expression, “Just found her wandering around upstairs, she’s fine though.” Fernando decided to save the drama and keep the rest of the information to himself.

“Zack how dare you leave me like that??”, Serronie muttered while elbowing him in the side. He grunted and replied vehemently, “I told you to wait right there for me! Nobody told you to run off Ronnie, you know better, we discussed all of this before we even left.” She dropped her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “Let’s go lay down, you need to rest before you throw up all over the place”, he said gathering her upper body in his arms.  

Serronie sloppily clung to Zachary's torso as they moved through the crowd. He held on to her waist, making sure she didn't fall. Zachary stumbled into the room with a very intoxicated Serronie in his arms. "Za-chery, how-what-did I drink??" "I don't know Rainy-Ron-Ronnie", he stumbled over his words, “A lot!" They both laughed loudly. In the next instant they toppled over on the bed. "I can't believe how drunk I am right now", Zachary said rubbing his face, "I can't believe how drunk you are, and I’ve never seen you like this before." He shook his head forcefully and said, "I need to sober up, and slap out of it! I'm totally trashed, but I still think I'm more sober than you", he finished with a chuckle. Her finger went over his nose and eye as she said, "Shhh, no you're not, I'm fine."

She rolled over on top of his lap and began kissing him. He grabbed her shoulders and kissed her deeply. Then Serronie put his hands on her thighs and began to slide them up her skirt. Zachary stopped kissing her briefly, "Whoa Serronie, you know what you're doing?!" She slurred her speech as she continued to toggle in between kissing his lips and neck, "Yesh, I dooooo." He pulled his hands back but continued to kiss her. She found his hands in the dark and put them back on her thighs, and intently pushed her weight into his lap. “Ooh Serronie…’re really tempting me”, he murmured as he gripped her tightly. Then he rotated over on top of her and smoothed the hair from her face. When he went to kiss her again, he noticed her eyes were closed. He exhaled and laid his head down on her chest.

She gabbled, “Why’d you stop??” He put his forearm over his eyes and shut them tightly, “Just go to bed Serronie. I want you so bad right now that it literally hurts. But you’re too drunk.” “Zaaaaack”, she said pressing her lips to his and climbing back on top of him, but he didn’t return the kiss. “Go to sleep Serronie.” She didn’t stop kissing him. Serronie rubbed her hands up his shirt and began massaging his bare skin. She threw her head back, flipping her hair from her face, and stroked the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip. He stopped resisting and interlocked his lips with hers. She fiddled with the buckle on his belt, trying to get to the button on his jeans. Her actions were out of tune; her fine motor skills were compromised by the alcohol. Her movements became slower and slower. Zachary rolled the rim of her skirt higher and held on to her thighs. Finally, her vision went black.

The Waiting OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora