Chapter 26 of 48-You're Sure That's All???

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Chapter 26- You’re Sure That’s All???

The next morning came and they woke up around the same time. Serronie was pressed under Zachary with her leg over his side. She stretched and sat up in the bed. She gasped silently. Her muscles felt sore all over. Once she opened her eyes and surveyed the room, she noticed something that made her nervous. She and Zachary’s clothes littered the room. She quickly realized she was wearing a bra and underwear. Then Serronie lifted the covers and established that Zachary had on only boxers. Staring down at Zachary, she realized his neck and shoulders  were littered with passion marks. Serronie leaned over to the stainless steel lamp on side of the bid and peered at her reflection. Her marks matched his, except she had them all over her chest too.

She sharply inhaled and put her hands over her face. Zachary’s eyes opened moments later. He looked up at her and observed her expression. Then his eyes bucked, “You’re not about to throw up, are you?!” She spoke through her hands, “Zack, what happened last night??” He chuckled, “You don’t remember?” Her head shook side to side intently, “I remember us getting to the party, and all of you guys acting brutish in the kitchen, after that, nothing.” He put his head in her lap and expressed, “You were a riot”, he paused to laugh, “You were extremely plastered.” “What happened in here?” Zachary sat up and looked around, exhaled, then placed his head back in her lap. “Um, it got really hot in here last night, that’s why clothes are all over the place, I'm assuming.” She narrowed her eyes at him, “And that’s it?” “Yes that’s it, besides you throwing yourself at me extra hard, from what I remember, though there are some blank spots that are patchy.” She gasped in shock, “Oh I did not!” He laughed out loud, and replied, “Oh yes you did, EXTRA hard!” Serronie slumped backwards on the bed and covered her face with a pillow. In a muffled voice she said, “I’m never drinking again!” Zachary sat up on his elbows and sighed, “Hmm, you were something serious.” She gave him a quizzical look, “What does that mean?” He threw his feet over the side of the bed and voiced, “That means you’re an animal when you drink, now get dressed Ronnie”, he concluded smiling at her. She was still confused about his comment. Serronie groaned as she got out of bed. "My body is killing me, why am I so sore?" she inquired. He flashed her a half-smile, "Your guess is good as mine", he mumbled shrugging, his grin turning into a full blown smile,"now come on slow-poke." 

The two of them got dressed and headed out of the room. Fernando was downstairs cleaning up. He looked up when they were creaking down the stairs. “Fun night?!” Fernando yelled. Zachary retorted, “The party was awesome man.” “And you?” Fernando asked looking to Serronie. She timidly replied, “I don’t really remember much at all.” Fernando fought back a smile, “For some reason I’m not surprised, you were so drunk you needed a babysitter.” “What did I do?” she asked apprehensively. Fernando gathered more cups and threw them in the trash bag. “Oh you didn’t do anything, I hope” he laughed. “And what does that mean” she squealed. “You’re just funny when you drink, that’s all”, he said shaking his head and chuckling. “You probably ended up taking care of this guy, he was toasted”, stated Fernando pointing at Zachary. Serronie said, “If I did, I couldn’t tell, like, I don’t remember a thing.” They all chuckled loudly. Then Serronie and Zachary made their way out of the door. Serronie felt like everyone knew something that she didn't, and that made her very uneasy.

Zachary had to begin the daunting process of packing. His stuff was all over the place. Serronie’s apartment was a mess by the time he finished gathering his belongings. Jesse and Richard were over there helping him. It was a saddening process for Serronie. She stayed out of the way. When the time came for them to part ways, they were not overly emotional. It was agreed that they would keep in very close contact.

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