Chapter 36 of 48- In the Heat of the Moment

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Chapter 36- In the Heat of the Moment

One night after both Jesse and Zachary went into the rooms, Serronie tipped out to clean up the kitchen. As she washed the dishes, she felt a presence near her. Once she looked over her shoulder, she jumped fiercely and screamed. "Zack! What the hell are you doing?! Why are you creeping around, you damn near scared me to death!" He didn't say anything for a few moments. Then he spoke, "Serronie, we can't keep going on like this, I'm not happy and I know you're not happy either." She rolled her eyes and turned back around to the sink. He gently touched her shoulder and said, “Please…” Serronie exhaled slowly and inched around to face him. “Okay, we can talk”, she said to him while sitting the dish towel on the counter.

She sheepishly followed him into his room and sat down on his bed. He closed the door behind him and approached Serronie on the bed. “Look, we’re both adults and we should be able to talk about this situation. We can’t keep walking around here like the other doesn’t exist. You’re clearly like five months pregnant, and something needs to be said about it.” Her eyes lifted to meet his and she said, “Zachary…..I didn’t get myself pregnant, and you’re the only guy I’ve been impaired around. You told me yourself that I threw myself at you when I was drunk, well you were drunk too, and I have no memory of that night and apparently, you're missing some pieces too.” Zachary scoffed in disbelief, and then replied, “Serronie, you can’t be seriously trying to pull that one over on me, huh?”

Her tone began to elevate,”Why are you trying to play this until the end?! I told you that I wouldn’t be mad if we did have sex, I just need you to stop this little charade you’re putting up.” He walked closer to Serronie and kneeled to her eye level, “I'm done playing game with you. Who did you fool around with, right now, answer me! Was it that spaz Julius?” he declared in an authoritative manner. She stood to her feet and advanced towards him. Then she spoke deliberately, “You’re so ridiculous that I can’t even have this conversation with you right now. I understand that you may be a bit ashamed because whatever happened between us because we were drunk, but you don't have to be, at least we got hitched, right?!” As she gaited toward the door, Zachary looked over his shoulder and said, “How could you let me make a fool of myself by allowing me to marry you, and you knew what you did?”

In her steps, she halted immediately, and turned to confront him. “How dare you Zachary Trenton Parker……” she pronounced as she closed their distance. Zachary matched her movements and replied, “Yeah, Serronie, you’re the perfect little liar, and I ate it all up. I should have known you were a bit too experienced to have been a ‘beginner’ so you clamed. Everybody saw right through you except me.” No sooner than the words left his lips, Serronie unleashed a barrage of blows to wherever her arms could reach. Startled by her attack, Zachary stumbled backwards, and grabbed her wrists. She continued to squirm to try to get free. They struggled until Serronie faltered and fell back on the bed, and he strategically fell over her in a manner that prevented his body from touching hers. Her respirations jumped in fear as he stopped short of crashing into her stomach. “Zachary get off of me!!” she screamed. “Not until you calm down and stop acting psycho!” he retorted viciously.

Tears began to sting her eyes as she spoke, “Zack, you almost fell on my stomach…..get off of me right now. Would you really hurt your own kid?” He freed her arms and stood to his feet, and then he pulled her up as well. “That’s an outsider you’re carrying, I don’t know who that kid is, or who he belongs to”, said Zachary in a venomous deliberate manner. Her lips tightened and she craned her face into his and spewed, “I hate you, I should have stuck with Julius-” she cut her word off with a crashing punch to Zachary’s mouth. He felt the pressure pop his lip open, followed by the taste of blood.

A wild look possessed his eyes. No sooner than her fist collision with his mouth, instantaneously, Zachary’s palm crashed into the right side of her face. His quick action preceded his thought process, and he slapped her before he knew it. Zachary’s face dropped in horror. Serronie demolished backwards on the bed and took hold of her face. She began to bawl loudly. “Oh Serronie, I’m so sorry!” Zachary said fervently while reaching for her on the bed. A fit of kicking, punching and screaming ensued as he tried to hold her. She fought aggressively until she was at the foot of the bed, away from him. “Baby, I didn’t mean to! I didn’t think at all, I reflexed, babe, I’m sorry Serronie I swear” he said jumping to his feet proceeding toward her direction. “Don’t come near me Zachary!!” she screamed ripping the door open. Zachary shot off after her. When he caught up with her, she was snatching open drawers and gathering her belongings.

Jesse heard all of the commotion and he stepped out of the guest room to survey the situation. He still heard Serronie crying loudly as he saw Zachary making a quick turn into Serronie’s bedroom in the hallway. He stopped in the doorway and yelled her name, “Serronie Parker!” She continued packing her things and sobbing loudly. Zachary called her name while walking up to her, and light seizing her right bicep. “Serronie will you talk to me please?!” She quickly whipped around snatching her arm from him while yelling, “No Zachary! Get away from me!” Then she tore out of the room with her suitcase in tow. He attempted to stop her again, and she vehemently pulled away from him while bellowing, “I’m leaving Zack! You’re not going to continue to put my baby in danger. I don’t care what you do to me, I can take it, but I will not allow anything to happen to my child!”

She threw her luggage down and ran into the foyer bathroom and slammed the door shut while locking it. Jesse walked up to Zachary and grabbed his shoulder. Zachary faced him, and before he spoke, Jesse noticed his busted lip. “Bro, what happened?! What’s going on?!” Jesse asked zealously. Zachary slapped his hands over his eyes and then punched the wall. “Calm down Zack! Come on talk to me!” Zachary wiped the blood from his lip, and pulled his shirt up to dab it. “Man, she’s like five months pregnant, and I didn’t have sex with her until she came out here”, Zachary replied in a somber tone.

Jesse’s eyes sprung agape and his jaw dropped. His eyes traced around quickly as though he was speechless for a moment. “Are you sure man?” asked Jesse incredulously. Jesse shook his head, and continued to talk, “I know we were drunk together but I don’t remember anything happening, I feel like I would know if it did. Me and her can’t even talk it out without the craziness happening. I can’t take it, I love her to death, but I want to ring her neck at the thought of her being with anybody else. She hit me and I snapped for a second and slapped her. Now she’s about to leave and won’t talk to me.” Jesse wiped his face roughly and groaned.

 “This is deep Zack. Is it even a possibility that something happened that night?” queried Jesse. “I don’t know, Jesse, nothing is logical right now, go try to talk to her, and see if she’ll let you take her somewhere safe. She’s not going to let me near her.” Jesse nodded his head, “Anything bro, absolutely, anything you need.” Zachary dropped his head and rested it on the wall. Jesse extended his arm to his shoulder and expressed, “Hey, don’t even stress, I’ll look after her for you.” “You’re like an angel man, thanks”, declared Zachary.

Serronie sobbed as she flushed the toilet and washed her hands in the sink. She looked in the mirror while angling her left cheek to the mirror. It was red and a tiny bit swollen. Suddenly a rush coursed through her throat and she was hanging face down over the toilet throwing up. All she wanted was to feel Zachary’s hand on her back at that moment. Serronie felt as though she needed to stick with her mind that was telling her to stay away from him. Another lump came in her throat, followed by more vomiting.

There were then successive raps on the door. “Leave me alone”, she groaned. “It’s me Jesse, uh, sounds like you’re having a rough time.” She ran to the sink and sucked some cold water into her mouth, gargled and spit. He knocked again, shadowed by him calling out for her again. “Serronie, you’re coming out?” As she walked over to the door, she released the lock and opened it slowly. He poked his head in and openly assessed her. He grumbled and almost barged in while saying, “Oh Serronie, look at your face!” She forced past him into the foyer and grabbed her suitcase.

“Please, just, let me help you”, he said while reaching for her belongings. She reluctantly handed her things over to him. “So where are you going to go?” he asked trying to force out a smile. “Home” she replied plainly, “I was going to drive back home.” Jesse immediately shook his head side to side, “Hell no, you can’t drive while you’re upset, you have to think about the baby.” She exhaled in defeat. “I’ll drive you back, okay? I’ll go get my jacket.” Serronie debated for a few moments before replying with a simple, “Okay.”

Zachary gripped the counter in the kitchen tightly, wanting to dash out after Serronie. He resisted the urge, following his better judgment. All he wanted to do was hold her tightly and apologize for hitting her. He never imagined the day that he would lose his cool to that extent. The situation with her turned into one that triggered anger almost beyond his control. His heart crumbled as he heard his front door close. And Serronie was gone.

*;( all good things come to an end, hmmm somebody's hiding something....-LeeBabyRnR

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