Chapter 41 of 48- And Hell Breaks Loose...

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Chapter 41- And Hell Breaks Loose…

Jesse was standing near the darkness in the hallway when she came out. “Everything alright?” he said. She jumped, “Oh wow! You scared me, why are you standing in the shadows? That’s creepy ya know!” Serronie slowly exhaled and rubbed the right side of her stomach. “Your eyes are red, have you been crying?” he inquired approaching her. She began to fidget anxiously. “I’m just tired; I’ve had a long day. And the baby is in frenzy right now, it’s rather uncomfortable.” “Well you don’t have to leave. There’s plenty space here, you can take a back room and lie down for a bit, get off of your feet for a while and let Linden calm down.” Serronie caught hint of the slim slur in his voice, then she knew that he was drunk. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to head out. Linden calms down at night when I relax next to the aquarium”, she finished with a giggle. He stared at her for a second with saying a word. He took a step towards her and queried, “Can I feel him move?” Serronie froze where she stood when she stepped backwards and the doorway stopped her. “Mmhm”, she mumbled.

Jesse reached both of his hands out and placed them on each side of her stomach. Her stomach shifted with random movements and throbs. Jesse beamed a smile at Serronie and stated, “Wow, I can’t believe he’s in there playing around so much, he’s energetic. I know who he gets that from.” She looked down and hid a smile. “Well, I can’t wait to meet this little fella, it’s exciting” he prosed staring at her stomach still encapsulated in his hands. He began to make her nerves bad; she felt he was a bit too close. Then he commenced to caressing her belly.

Meanwhile, Fernando strolled up to Zachary while he was talking to the girl, and he whispered in his ear, “You may want to check for your wife dude.” Apparently Fernando already saw Jesse near the bathroom with Serronie. Zachary glanced around with a slick smile that quickly faded when he didn’t see Serronie sitting in the chair anymore.

“Okay, Jesse, I’m going to head on out now”, she said lightly removing his hands from her stomach. “Wait a little while longer, I’m not done!” he said quickly rubbing her stomach again. She turned to the side and moved backwards. “Why are you acting like that Ronnie? You let Zack rub your stomach for fifteen minutes and you never said a word!” Her expression intensified, “Zack’s my husband, and he has that right!” He snatched her wrist and yanked her forward, then expressed passionately, “So he suddenly matters now? And I don’t?! I’ve been here for you when he wasn’t! Ever thought that Linden actually means something to me?!” Serronie tried to jerk back while declaring, “Jesse! You’re drunk, let me go!” He jolted her closer, and she attempted to free herself in the opposite direction. “He just said he hated you! He doesn’t love you or trust you Serronie, and you let him touch you and I can’t?! If I want to feel Linden I will!” And with that comment he reached under her shirt to touch her bare belly. Emotions burst through her voice as she screamed, “Jesse stop it!” She stomped his foot, he staggered backwards, and she slapped him across the face. In a second he grabbed his face and fury radiated through his countenance. She gasped in helplessness as he charged forward. He maliciously snatched her up by the shirt, popping both of her straps and partially ripping the front. She shrieked as she immediately crossed her arms over her chest.

She pressed herself against the wall, and turned on the hallway light. From the right, Zachary sprinted into the hallways and glanced around. He noticed Jesse hovering over someone, and seconds later he realized it was Serronie. Without a word, he darted over and punched Jesse across the face, and he blasted back grabbing his eye. She stood petrified with her face against the wall concealing her destroyed shirt. The two guys wrestled raucously in the hallway until some of their friends showed up to separate them. As they were being pulled apart, Zachary yelled, “I see you near her again and I’m going to rip your face off, you hear me!” “We’re best friends Zack, what the hell?! I was defending you!” “You can apologize in the morning when you’re sober you idiot!” “I thought it was bros before hoes! I forgive you” Jesse hollered through the barrage of fellas holding them back. Fernando went to Serronie and created a barrier between her and the commotion. Jesse was pulled away, and Zachary had a moment of clarity. He turned and ran to her side. “Serronie did he hurt you?!” Zachary asked trying to get her to face him. She snatched away from him, “Go back to that whore! What do you care?!” she screamed. Fernando shook his head and walked away to give them privacy.

He turned her around again and noticed her torn shirt. He punched the wall, “What the—“ he punched the wall again. “I’m about to murder him!” Zachary screamed motioning towards the crowd that carried Jesse away. Serronie pulled his arm and yelped, “No Zack! Calm down!” Zachary scooped her up in a hug and said, “That girl interned for my dad a few summers back, she nobody! What the hell did he do to you? I swear I’ll slit his throat if he hurt you!” She shoved her face in his chest and cried. “I want to leave, just get me out of here!” He lifted her face to look in her eyes, “Did he hurt you Serronie?”  “I want to leave!” “Ronnie…..answer me, please?” She paused to think. If she told him the whole story, Zachary would become even more belligerent. Serronie was well aware of the fact that Jesse was drunk and he would never do anything like that in his right state of mind. She didn’t want to be the reason Zachary and Jesse stopped being friends. When he was angry as his current state, it scared her, and she didn’t want him to do anything crazy, furthermore, she didn’t want him to hurt Jesse. It was a big drunken misunderstanding.

She sheepishly replied to him, “He only hurt my feelings. He was being a drunken idiot.” “Well what happened?” Zachary asked intently. “I let him feel the baby kick, and then I wanted to leave, and he still wanted to feel Linden. We exchanged words about you, he got upset, touched my belly without my permission, I smacked him, and he grabbed me on reflex.” “And that’s what happened to your shirt?” he said tearing the snaps open on his shirt and throwing it around her shoulders. She nodded and closed the shirt tightly around her torso. “Serronie, you can hit me all you want, but you have to careful with everybody else. I will murder somebody over you, and I won’t think twice about it.” She looked up at him from under her brows, “He said you hated me.” He exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s so complicated Ronnie, I don’t hate you, but I just hate what you’ve done.” “Yep, trusting was the wrong thing to do.” He disregarded her comment and led her out of the house hand in hand.

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