Chapter 32 of 48- Hello Mrs. Parker!

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Chapter 32- Hello Mrs. Parker!

They rose early the next morning and handled the errands pertaining to their marriage. Both of them went to the court to get their marriage license and Serronie went through the proceedings of changing her last name. Zachary was still tired afterwards so he went back to sleep when they returned. Serronie was gone most of the day shopping. Zachary laid around the apartment, enjoying a break from all of the ripping and running he usually had to do. When Serronie got back, he was immediately excited. "How was your shopping sweetheart", he said as he greeted her with an onslaught of smooches. "It seems like every air conditioner was broken today! I sweated endlessly. I feel so gross Zack, let me take a shower." "Go on, stinky butt, I'll be in the bed." They separated and she went and disappeared in the shower for fifteen minutes.

Shortly after the water stopped running, Serronie emerged in the room wearing a silky black robe. She climbed in the bed next to Zachary and cuddled under his warm body. "Hmmm, you're cold as usual", he chuckled while rubbing her arms. “I have a surprise for you”, said Serronie intently as she sat up in the bed. His expression lightened, “Do you really?” She nodded her head vigorously and stood up. “Yep, I bought you something today. Just wait here, I’ll return shortly.” He leaned back in the bed and sighed, “Sure, whatever you say babe.”

 A slick smile formed at his lips, “I’m waiting”, he said.  Serronie put her head down and hurried out of the room. He stared at the ceiling as the moments ticked by, wondering what Serronie had up her sleeve. All of the possibilities began to flood his mind. He entertained thoughts of the new game system he’d been wanting, a pet reptile, or maybe even some sexual interaction. After all, he had waited patiently, respecting all of her wishes of limited physical contact. Then he thought about how much an iguana would entertain him and enhance the manly nature of his room. She always knew how to buy him the best gifts.

He was startled by the creaking door opening. His eyes jerked in that direction quickly. Serronie peeked her head though the door and said, “I hope I wasn’t gone too long.” His left eyebrow arched as his expression turned into one of amusement. “Yeah, you were gone kind of long, I was starting to get worried”, he replied with a titter.  She narrowed her eyes at him and scoffed, “You’re so sarcastic Zachary!” 

He sat up on the bed and held his hands out to his sides as though he was saying “What’s next.” Serronie walked softly and calculated to the right side of the bed. “Come here Zack”, she said while staring at the pattern on the comforter. He did two full rolls to the right and sat up on the edge of the bed.  She rocked back on her heels and toes as though she was getting nervous. “Well, what is it Ronnie?  Your nerves are getting bad, what’s going on in your head” he asked as he grabbed her hand.  “I just want you to know that I really appreciate how patient you’ve been with me for the past few years, and I know that things have to be different now. I have to be way less selfish because I’m your wife, and I have to do what’s necessary to make you happy, and I want to start now.”  Serronie looked down at Zachary and put her hands on his shoulders. He stared up at her and a smirk appeared on his face, “So, what exactly are you trying to say to me?” She laughed loudly and she threw her head back, and then replied, “I think you know what I’m trying to say Zack.” 

His eyes widened and he quickly rose to his feet.  Serronie took a half step backwards as Zack grabbed her around the waist. He looked down at her and said, “Ronnie, you sure? I mean, you know I want this, but I want you to do it for you.”  She took his hands in hers and put her forehead in his chest. “I’m your wife now baby, it’s for you.”  Without another word, he lifted her face and pressed his lips against hers.  He began to move his hands over her body, and she took his hands in hers again.  Zachary kissed her chin on down to her collarbone and back up to her neck. She took a deep breath in a held his hands tighter. As his lips moved to her ear, he whispered, “Just relax Ronnie, calm down.” He pulled one of his hands from her, and pulled her head back and deeply kissed the base of her neck, and with his other hand he untied the bow on her robe. When his hand touched her bare skin, she startled back.  Zackary gasped and stared at her in disbelief. “Serronie! What’s wrong?!”  She wrapped her robe tightly and hunched her shoulders and she stared at the ground.  Her mouth opened as if she would say something, but she didn’t.  He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head in frustration, “Well??”  She timidly looked up and said, “I’m sorry Zack.”

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