Chapter 11- She's a Bombshell

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Chapter 11- She’s a Bombshell

The following day, when the guys arrived at the studio, Serronie wasn’t there yet, and Zachary was sitting around killing time and waiting. He glanced at the door in a periodic pattern, hoping she would be coming through the door at any minute. Zachary gravitated to the rest of his crew to keep him company. “Oh so you want to hang out with us since your little girlfriend isn’t here today”, sneered Fernando taunting Zachary. He rolled his eyes, “Stop being dramatic”, Zachary groaned. The guys shot the dozen with one another as the minutes passed.

Serronie then flew through the door, with an arm full of books; her curly hair was all over the place, and she was dressed in nude brown leggings and a black spaghetti strapped shirt. Zachary’s jaw dropped, on first glance, the bottoms looked like skin and he thought he was missing pants. In the next instant he realized how great she looked in tight clothes. He noticed her toned curves and he found her disheveled hair sexy. “Man, can I have one of those legs with a side of mashed potatoes?!” commented Richard gawking at Serronie as she strolled past them.

Jesse stared slyly and remarked, “Whoa, now that’s something.” “Hey, hey, all of you shut up, okay! Whatever happened to all the trash you’ve talked about her for the past five and a half months?!” growled Zachary. “Nerd or not, she’s working with a lethal lil body over there, hell, I’d hit that”, nattered Jesse nonchalantly. “Whoa, watch your mouth Jesse, seriously”, necessitated Zachary shoving his elbow into Jesse’s side. Jesse groaned and laughed, “Since when are you so touchy over the square.” “Well don’t talk about her like that, she’s not even that kind of chick” said Zachary defending Serronie. “Oh right! What makes you such a martyr Zack?! You’re the one who got a freakin boner while holding her leg over your shoulder and feeling on it” retorted Jesse. “Aww screw yourself, I was massaging her leg and it was a mixture of things first of all, and second of all, I’d never come at her on that level”, clarified Zachary. “Yeah right, you can play like you don’t want to go a few rounds with Serronie but we know that truth, Zack, you’re still the animal you were before” badgered Richard. “Maybe I am an animal, what the hell does it matter? She won’t know because I’m not going to attempt anything. And in closing, all of you can shut the hell up, and keep your perverted comments about Serronie to yourself while I’m around”, professed Zachary glaring at each of them. Fernando chucked, “Ha! He’s getting territorial, somebody’s got Serronie fever.” Zachary arrogantly grinned and parted ways with them shooting up his middle fingers. Jesse looked at him with a disgusted expression and shook his head.

As Zachary approached Serronie, she was removing her retainer and placing it in the case. Then she immediately began to explain, “Sorry I’m late Zack, I was out running the track and lost track of time. I didn’t have time to change or anything, I came straight here.” “Well it looks like you lost track of clothes too. Please tell me you have something else to wear”, he prodded. Serronie looked down at her outfit and back up at Zachary. “Well, I have some sweats in my locker, but we’re sharpening lifts today, I didn’t think the tights would make a difference.” “Well that’s because you’ve never worn them before, I don’t think they’ll agree with my grip” he glanced over his shoulder at his friends sneaking glimpses in their direction. Serronie folded her arms and chuckled incredulously. “Please Ronnie, I’m not touching you until you change. Those things look like skin”, he remarked pointing at her tights. She narrowed her eyes and leaned in closer to Zachary, “Are you being overprotective or are you genuinely uncomfortable?” He rubbed her face lightly, “I would just feel a million times better if you changed.” Serronie debated shortly and smiled, “Alright, I guess I’ll be right back”, she said sauntering out of the room. Zachary was fighting his sexual attraction towards Serronie, and he just didn’t want any extra distractions, controlling himself was difficult enough.

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