Chapter 3- That Dance?! We're Doomed.

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Chapter 3- That Dance?! We’re Doomed.

Ms. Janero called the names, announced the name of the dance, and had her helpers display the routine. When Ms. Janero called, “Zachary Parker & Serronie Vaughn”, he sat up attentively. Across the room, Serronie was fully engaged. “Okay, you two will be doing a Latin Bachata routine.” Every female in the room gasped loudly. Serronie’s eyes bucked wide open. The guys looked around in oblivion, apparently in the dark about the wow factor. “Whoa, she looks like she’s just seen her dead dog swimming in the backyard!” whispered Zachary. Serronie looked at Zachary, noticed he was already looking at her, and quickly looked away. “Pay close attention!” Ms. Janero ordered.

As the music started, the dancers took their posture-perfect stances. When the music commenced, the guy sensually placed his hand flat on the girl’s chest, and she elegantly bowed backwards. The music sped up and the couple began an onslaught of close body gyrations, undulations, swings, spins and lifts. Once the demonstration was over, every student applauded. The dance required body touching, closeness, and finesse. Serronie sank down behind her knees and forearms, obviously uncomfortable.

“I’d like to see either of you pull that one off! Did you see how that chick moved her body? Man that was sexy! I really doubt that Shanie can ever possibly do anything that awesome with her body. That’s probably the closest to sex she’ll ever get”, spoke Jesse cackling. “Her name is ‘Serronie’ not ‘Shanie’ you dill-hole! And forget about what she can’t do! I’m going to look like a flaming pansy dancing like that in front of anybody!” grieved Zachary. “Hell, I hope I can feel and grab on my partner that much!” exclaimed Jesse.

Zachary peered over at Serronie, and her eyes blushingly rose to meet his; then they slowly looked away. Fernando glanced between the both of them and raised his eyebrow. “It seems illegal to feel her up and be on her that much. I can see the reservation in her face. She doesn’t deal with guys much”, said Zachary shaking his head. “Just your luck!” yelled Richard bursting out in raucous laughter.

An hour and half later, Coach Vuela resounded through the room, “Okay now everyone just bond for a little while with your partner, and tomorrow we’ll start the fun stuff! Oh, and I forgot to mention, this is a competition, with first, second, and third place prizes.” A few people got excited, others looked nervous. This was mostly amongst the girls. They danced together all of the time and knew each other’s capabilities. The boys were competitive by nature, so their game faces were on.

The student stood and assembled with their partners. Zachary mentally prepared himself to interact with Serronie. He was never a fan of shy girls. And since the show suddenly turned into a competition, he viewed her as a weakness. She hoisted upright tapping her foot nervously as he approached. “So, er, what do you think about the routine?” he mentioned casually. Serronie smiled fretfully and dropped her head minutely. “Intense, for lack of a better word.” Zachary chuckled lightly and conversed, “Yeah it is! So you’ve never done the Bachata before?” She shook her head side to side quickly. “Oh no! Not at all, I’m a contemporary dancer, all of that is very much out of my genre.”

Zachary was disappointed; because he felt his chances of winning decrease further. “So do you think we can pull it off?” he asked in a friendly tone. She glanced at his face and back down. At that moment she noticed his calm chocolate brown eyes, lined with thick lashes, the smooth fairness of his skin, and the keen symmetry of his face. He was very handsome. She stumbled on her words before she began to speak. Taking a silent deep breath, she replied through a tight grin, “I think anything is possible.”

A tranquil chill ran all through him. He suddenly didn’t think she would bring him down on purpose. He studied her tense mannerisms and realized that she was most likely nervous. “Hey partner, we’re going to make it happen”, he communicated casually, trying to put her at ease. Serronie glared up into his eyes and beamed widely, exposing a full smile, tracked with a shiny silver retainer. Zachary fought the urge to laugh, he didn’t notice the retainer earlier. At the same time, he saw a glint in her gray eyes. Maybe she wouldn’t be so uptight after all; he had the feeling that he could thwart some of her shyness.

Once the session came to an end, everyone was preparing to leave. Zachary parted from Serronie with a simple farewell. As he was making his way back to his friends, he saw someone approaching out the corner of his eye. Upon looking, he noticed it was the girl dressed in black and white. She strolled up to him confidently and began speaking, “I was really looking forward to being your partner.” He grinned and responded coolly, “Yeah, I really thought it was your name I was calling, which is???” The girl flirtatiously extended her hand to Zachary and answered, “I’m Sarah. And believe I’ve already known about you Zachary. You’re quite the football player; your name is tossed around often. Most of the girls in here were looking forward to dancing with you.” Zachary suddenly felt bashful as he shook her hand.

“Too bad you’re stuck with the book worm as your partner, if it’s up to her, you don’t have a chance, so I hope you dance as good as you play. Good luck with the nerd though, I know we would have made a great team.” He scratched his eyebrow and shook his head, “Yeah, quite the luck I have, I’ll still try my best though.” She walked closer to him and whispered in his ear, “I have plenty of luck for you, just come and get it when you’re ready”, she finished sliding a piece of paper into his hand. She winked at him and turned to walked away. Zachary’s face lit up, he was able to get the girl he had his eye on without even trying hard.

In the short distance he saw his buddies gawking nosily. When their proximities met, Zachary just smiled slickly. “Don’t tell me that she just gave you her number”, said Fernando skeptically. Zachary simply held the piece of paper up between his two fingers and laughed through a smug expression on his face. “The Zack is back!” shouted Richard giving him a high five.

*Peculiar partner he has, huh? Let's hear it for Zack! Looks like he's getting his groove back lol. So what's gets better B^D -LeeBabyRnR

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