Chapter 43 of 48- The Flame Still Burns

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Chapter 43- The Flame Still Burns

Serronie realized how much she missed Zachary. His actions were so contradictory, but he made his steady love for her apparent. One minute he was mad at her and struggling not to show it physically against her. She could tell he tried his best. He jumped into action any time she showed signs of discomfort. And his feelings still meant so much to her. Their disconnection was unfortunate and weighing heavily on them both. It tore them apart, even though they didn’t want to be distant. The best thing for them both had to be priority. Her pregnancy was giant wedge that couldn’t be removed.

After Serronie and Zachary’s encounter at the party, they began to casually text each other more. There was nothing major they talked about. They conversed in a manner of almost starting all over. He’d ask her about how the baby had her feeling, and what she ate that day to make the baby go crazy. Zachary made requests for him to put him on speaker and hold the phone against her belly. He would sing to the baby, and say random funny things to him. It warmed Serronie’s heart. She felt like it was his first steps to admitting his paternity and drunken actions with her. Both of them avoided the issues as much as possible in hopes of making the peace last.

*Alright guys, this next chapter is about to put everything into perspective and tie up all loose ends, someone's secret is about to be revealed, and stuff will suddenly make plenty of sense! Hope you guys have been enjoying "The Waiting One" and thanks sooo much for reading!- LeeBabyRnR

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