Chapter 37 of 48- Solo

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Chapter 37- Solo

Serronie and Jesse headed out on the highway. They rode for a short while in silence. Jesse glanced to his right at Serronie in the passenger seat. She glared straight ahead through the windshield. He wanted to say something to make her feel somewhat better, but nothing came to mind. “No matter what he says, I’ve never been with anyone else. He’s my world. Well, he was. I don’t know about anything anymore.” “Just take a little time away to think everything through, he’ll come around.” She didn’t speak more on the subject. A small while later she was asleep. She remained that way the rest of the ride.

Once they made it to her apartment, he carried her bags up for her. “Thanks so much Jesse, seriously, it means a lot.” He flashed a gracious smile and responded, “No problem at all Serronie. If you need anything, just ask. I could stay the night if you want.” She yawned and stated, “No thanks Jesse, but I appreciate everything.” “Well, if you need anything at all, I’m here Serronie” he mentioned sincerely.

Days passed, and Serronie and Zachary didn’t talk. There was no communication between them. Serronie slowly but surely got back into the swing of her life in Houston. Surprisingly, she was able to make great progress on her book with Francine. No one knew about the turmoil happening between Serronie and Zachary. It was a massive secret that they wanted to keep under wraps. Everyone was always itching to know what their relationship was like but they were sure to keep it a secret.

There were so many instances that Serronie wanted to communicate with Zachary, but she was angry with him, and she knew he felt the same. Her façade was sufficient, and she never showed the pain she felt over Zachary. Most nights she laid awake dealing with the internal turmoil. She wondered if he moved on, when was he going to serve her divorce papers, or should she make the first move, and whether or not he thought about her at all.

 Once Jesse finished with his visit in Dallas, he was back in Houston and on call for Serronie. A good deal of the time, she wouldn’t even call on him for anything, he’d just volunteer. He was looking out for Serronie like he promised Zachary. They ended up forming a fairly close bond. Serronie found that Jesse made being alone and pregnant a bit easier. A tiny bit of company went a long way for her. He encouraged her while she was writing, and coached her to the finish line. They turned out to have a great friendship.

 Jesse would also keep him posted on how she was getting along with everything. Zachary was miserable without Serronie, but he was aching over her pregnancy at the same time. He’d ask Jesse if she seemed to be ready to talk again, and he always advised Zachary against bothering her. Zachary trusted Jesse’s judgment since he was around her a lot.

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