Chapter 38 of 48- Party Surprise

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Chapter 38- Party Surprise

Jesse informed her of a gathering he was hosting at his place, and extended her an invitation. She was torn about whether or she’d attend. Of course the possibility of Zachary being there was a major issue for her. She was scared of the likelihood of him showing up with someone else. Jesse assured her that he wouldn’t invite Zachary if she was uncomfortable being in his presence. She never gave him a straight answer. But she eventually agreed to show her face at the event.

Serronie slowly drove up to Jesse’s house, trying to make sure she was at the right place. There were cars in the driveway and lining the street. She pulled up behind a red Honda and parked along the ditch. Another car was parking as she did, and their headlights flashed in her rearview mirror. She tilted her eyes and scoffed in frustration. She began to feel apprehensive about going into the party. Everyone there were essentially Zachary’s friends. Serronie had never been around his friends without him present. How would she answer all of the questions? Where was he? Is he excited about the baby? She was scared of giving too much information away. Her preference was against people knowing that she rarely spoke to Zachary; he swore up and down the baby isn’t his, and she had no idea where he was. Her stomach plunged. She began to feel sad and incomplete. Her major concern was that everyone would ultimately find out that he didn’t love her anymore. “Just go speak”, said Serronie swinging her door open.

A few feet from the door she paused, took a deep breath, and felt a hint of nausea. Serronie grasped the porch post with her right hand, threw her head over the bushes and gagged. She cycled her breaths slowly and tried to relax. “Serronie??” called someone from behind. She stood stiffly and wiped her hair from her face. A light hand was suddenly on her back moments later, “Hey, are you okay?” the voice was so smooth and comforting. Upon trying to reply, she had no words, only air. After a pause, she tried again with more success; and in a low-winded tone she responded, “Zachary…”

A chill went through her body. At that moment he moved closed and lightly clutched her shoulder. “Are you going to be sick?” he said. Her insides were doing backflips. Serronie found herself nervous, happy, shocked, angry, and queasy all at the same time. “I’m, uh, okay. I’m just not around people much anymore, and my nerves are bad.” He looked her up and down and noticed everything. Her petite figure was huskier because of the baby, but she was still fit to be pregnant. He loved how the strappy satin shirt draped over her torso, highlighting the fullness of her breasts. Seeing her ignited jubilance within his heart. Zachary smiled at her. Her countenance melted, as always when he smiled at her. “You’ve gotten bigger”, he commented pointing to her baby bump.

She looked down and touched her stomach. “Well yeah! Seven months now, he’s getting bigger every day.” His smile faded slightly, “You seem so happy”, he conversed. Her response came after a short delay, “I get by, you know, some days are better than others. But Linden keeps my spirits high.” His eyes stretched open widely, and he instantly asked, “Who’s Linden?!” Serronie’s face warped in surprise, “Oh, he’s my baby, uh, my kid! I named the baby Linden.” Zachary’s face relaxed in relief in clarity, “Ooh okay! Great answer”, he paused to snigger, “that’s a nice name.”

There was an awkward moment of silence. Serronie faintly grinned and shifted her eyes to the ground. “Anyways, I’m going to head inside and get this over with”, she said with an exhale as she headed for the door. He blocked her way and held his hand out to her. “I know this is hard for you, I’m not going to let you go in there alone, can I save you….please?” Her eyes locked on his hand, and she slowly lifted her hand to meet his. “I’ll be nice, promise”, he declared while flashing a full smile. Serronie’s heart paced, his smile still drove her crazy. His hand squeezed around hers as he advanced through the door.

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