Chapter 10- This Isn't Going To Work, Get it Together

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Chapter 10- This Isn’t Going To Work, Get it Together

Back in the studio, people trickled in from the snack break. Zachary approached Serronie and put his hands out for her to shake it. She returned the handshake poorly and barely acknowledged him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, no ma’am, you know better than that”, he said refusing to let her hand go, “You shake my hand like you mean it.” She glared at him from under her brow and snatched his hand into a tight handshake. Zachary pulled her into a bear hug, trapping her arms at her sides. “Zack! Let me go”, she said flatly while trying to wiggle free. He smiled deviously, “Oh no, not until you tell me what you problem is, the attitude isn’t going to fly.” “Nothing Zachary!” she replied. He giggled and shook his head, “Liar. First off, you called me ‘Zachary’, which only happens when there’s an issue. Secondly, I know that look on your face.” She didn’t reply to him promptly, and then she spoke, “How would you know what my faces mean?” Putting his hand on her chin softly, he lifted her face to look into her eyes. He didn’t smile, but talked seriously, “I actually pay attention to you Ronnie. I gauge your reactions all the time. That’s important for me to know, so I can always make you smile.”

Her cheeks blushed over. Zachary grinned slyly and remarked, “Well??”, and continued to hold her. Serronie was frozen, paralyzed by Zachary’s charm. She felt almost as though he had a way of putting a spell on her. Serronie was entranced by his mouth as he smiled, she thought his lips looked so enticing. Still, she looked everywhere but his eyes.

“Ooh I get it. Your boyfriend just made you mad in the courtyard. Hmm, that’s why you won’t let me take you out. I saw him at the party.” Serronie had no idea Zachary was paying any attention to her outside. He was clearly caught up in his friends, or so it seemed. She grumbled audibly, “Goodness, Julius is not my boyfriend! Do you think I would have needed you to stay hugged up with me at the party if I had a boyfriend?” Zachary glanced around contemplating his words, then he said, “I thought you wanted to cuddle with me so bad that you didn’t care”, he joked. Serronie snatched away from him giggling and playfully smacked his arm, “Get over yourself Zack.” He smiled widely and raised his arms at his sides, “What? You know you want me Ronnie, just submit to the Zack, and it’ll all be easier.” She rolled her eyes while poking out her lips then commented, “In your dreams.”

Sarah skipped over to Zachary, stepping in between him and Serronie. “I think I left my jacket in your car last night, would you check it out for me when you can?” she asked casually. Serronie’s face hardened. Zachary was uncomfortable and replied cautiously, “I’ll see.” Thanks hun!” she shrieked pinching his cheek, glaring back at Serronie, and gliding away. When Sarah was gone, Serronie turned her back to Zachary and started stretching in the mirror. He felt the tension radiating from her and didn’t know what to say. Then he just came out and said, “Just for the record, I drove her home because she locked her key inside of her car.” Without missing a breath she coolly replied, “Oh. How nice of you. But you don’t owe me and explanation, we just dance together, you can do whatever you want.” Deep inside he wanted her to care, but he didn’t want to put himself too far out for her to leave him hanging. “I was just keeping you up to date on everything you know”, he said stepping beside her to mirror her moves, “we’re friends, friends are completely honest with each other.” Serronie grinned in Zachary’s direction, “Yeah, we’re definitely friends.......”, she said in collusion.

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