Chapter 12- The Devil in a Red Dress

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Chapter 12- The Devil in a Red Dress

The teams were in the home stretch. The festival was days away. People were extra moody and making careless mistakes due to bad nerves. Practice was intense for everyone. It was no secret that the competition was sure to be fierce, and each team was craving that victory.

Zachary looked in the mirror as he removed the last remnant of lint from his black slacks. His white button down shirt revealed the top of his broad chest as he left the top three buttons undone. Small beads of sweat sat on his peach skin, the pending performance with Serronie had him nervous. He took an final glance in the mirror and pulled himself together.

Jesse congregated with a mass of the guys from the team outside of the dressing room. Zachary joined with them moments later. They were fairly calm, just sitting back observing the mayhem going on around them. Their dressing room was a short visual distance from the girls’ dressing room. The team watched the doors hungrily in hopes of seeing what their partners would be wearing. Each time the door opened necks cranes and eyes widened. “Don’t even get excited Zack, you know Serronie’s going to be wearing a jogging suit for the performance”, teased Jesse. Zachary rolled his eyes and stated, “It doesn’t matter what she wears, we’re knocking all of you jerks dead.” “Get real, Kate looks better and dances better than any clown in that room, definitely more so than Serronie” retorted Jesse. “Maaan, I don’t know Jess, Serronie’s pretty hot in her own little weird way, and I’ve seen the way she moves in practice”, added Fernando. “And that’s her holding out”, inserted Zachary. “Lies and bull! We’ll see, the best shall win, which will be me and my gorgeous Kate”, bragged Jesse dusting off his outfit.

The sound of stiletto heels striking up the hallway resounded through the foyer. Unexpectedly, Zachary gripped Richard and Jesse’s shoulders and gasped loudly. They shot looks at him immediately and followed his blank stare. “Who….is….that?!” Zachary uttered. A girl came from one of the side doors of the long hallway, and she was heading towards the girls dressing room, away from them. From behind, she was a sight to behold. Her curvy, petite fine figure was scantily clad with a fire engine red backless dress, with an asymmetric bottom that came to the top of her tonus thigh and tapered down to the calf of the opposite leg. The arc of her waist pinched in narrowly and widened at her hips, underscoring the roundness of her bottom, and the fullness of her thighs. The radiant copper skin on her bare, supple, fit back highlighted the intensity of the color she wore.

 “She doesn’t look like anybody I’ve seen at this studio! I’d surely remember a body like that!” exclaimed Jesse. Zachary stomped his foot and grunted while biting his bottom lip, “Damn it, just when I want to do right, along comes the devil in a red dress.” Fernando chortled, “See, thought you were a changed man, Zack, I knew you were full of it!” “I swear I will change after I get my hands on whoever that was! I want her baaaad!” declared Zachary walking forward. Jesse threw his hand in front of Zachary to stop his advancement, “Step back kid, she needs the work of a real man, go run to your little geek and play love games”, boasted Jesse getting ahead of Zachary. As soon as Zachary went to walk on, Coach Vuela came through the exit door and called for the attention of the fellas.

The girls came out of the room in a cluster and made and immediate left up an adjacent hallway, leading to the stage. While the coach gave the guys last minutes words of encouragement, Zachary craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl in red again. Seemingly she was absorbed in the crowd of girls as they exited. No sooner than Coach Vuela said his last words, Zachary was power-walking up the hallway. Jesse was hot on his tail; both in pursuit of the same female. Moments later they were practically running. Once the dancers were in view, the posterior of the target girl swayed in and out of Zachary’s sight. To look normal, both Zachary and Jesse slowed down while making their way through the troop of beautified dancers. When they were paces away from the girl in red, Jesse intensely whispered to Zachary, “What about your square, what about Serronie?!” Zachary retorted venomously, “Serronie who!”

*Tsk, tsk, tsk....temptation is something serious........-LeeBabyRnR

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