Talking it Out

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Lassitude ~33

Cameron Dallas' pov

I quietly walk into the gazebo with G as I watch my daughter slow dance with Hayes. He notices I am here and he continues to make her laugh. I notice how happy she is at the moment. I nervously stand here waiting for when it's my turn to talk to her.

After an argument with Shawn, I'm pretty shaken up. He's freaking out and I haven't told my wife anything and now she's even more mad and upset with me. Another thing I must fix when I get back. I have way too much on my mind. I'm also shaken up, because I'm afraid to mess up Grace's night by being here.

It's important to show her how much she means to me. I have been a terrible parent to her for awhile and I have to tell her that it's not her fault. The thought of losing her scares me and I don't want her to be thinking about the things she has been saying to Shawn and Jack.

I'm the worst father to exist at the moment. I can't believe I've made her so upset and made her afraid of me. I never wanted that.

"I want you to dance with one more person," Hayes says to her. My heart beats miles per second.

"Okay," I hear my daughter giggle. It's the cutest thing I've heard. She's happy. Hayes looks towards me nervously and Grace carefully turns around. I watch as her smile slightly falters and fear shows across her face. "D-dad?"

I stand frozen for a moment forgetting how to speak. I blink a few times and take a deep breath before taking a step towards her.

"Happy birthday princess," I start off quietly. "I... wanted to apologize to you." I gulp feeling nervous. This is really hard for me. "I'm really sorry for upsetting you and putting you through what I've done. I hope maybe we can talk about it?"

"You yelled at me and took Claire's side," she says hurt. "You hurt my feelings a lot."

"I'm really sorry. Is there anyway I can help ease this?"

"I-I want to come home." I notice her eyes watering and I walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her immediately and kiss the top of her head several times.

"Of course you can princesss. I want you to come home. I miss you. Your mother misses you and Ryan misses you too."

"You scared me dad. You were being so mean. You wouldn't listen to me." There is a tug to my heart with guilt.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so very sorry." I now hear sniffles and I'm afraid as my heart escalates.

"I thought you were so disappointed in me that you wouldn't want me anymore." I pull away immediately and look down at her. I place my hands to the side of her face.

"I love you so much Grace. I would never think that. You mean everything to me," I answer in all seriousness. "I am proud of you more than anything." She nods slightly as I wipe her fresh tears away.

"I didn't mean to talk back to my professor. I was so tired and snapped back."

"It's okay princess. It's fine."

"I'm really sorry for being rude to Claire."

"I don't think you are," I half chuckle. "It's okay if you don't like her. I can't force you to."

"Y-you're not mad about that?"

"No, I'm just confused. Why you don't like her. Princess, she's one of my best friends for the longest time and she's your moms best friend, I don't understand why you don't like her." She looks at me confused.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what princess?" Her eyes looks up at me and is unsure if she wants to tell me at the moment. "You can trust me," I say to her quietly. We've swayed back and forth to the music for quite awhile now.

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