Wonderful News

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Lassitude ~4

Grace Dallas' pov:

"Ryan! Cooper!" I giggle from the floor and pushed my books away from me as they both have decided to sabotage my studying time. I have a fit of laughter trying to roll over, but Cooper is still on top of me as my brother tickles me. "Please?!" I cry in a fit of laughter.

"I'm good," my brother says.

"Coop, please? Save me!"

"Eh," he says with a small smirk on his face. We hear the front door open, but I am too preoccupied by the two of them. "Should have given me the last chip."

"There are more in the pantry!" I giggle and crawl up into a ball now.

"Whoa, what are the twinnies and Coop doing?" I hear a familiar voice ask. Cooper gets off me completely and my brother stops ticking me. I sat up and see Nash and Matt.

"Daddy!" I hear two voices calling out. I see both Ashley Grier and Jasmine Espinosa, their daughters, run up to them. Nash picks up her six year old daughter and Matt squats down to hug her seven year old daughter. Both Matt and Nash looks towards us.

"What are you teens up to?" Nash half smirks.

"Nothing," I answer sheepishly.

"Just taking a small study break," Ryan answers.

"Bugging Grace from her assignments," Cooper shrugs. I side punch Cooper's arm and he glares at me slightly as he reaches for his arm.

"Grace," Matt says in his fatherly voice. "No violence. Coop and your brother has a big game this weekend."

"They attacked me first!" Both Ryan and Cooper smiles.

"True," Nash says and pokes his daughter. She giggles and hides her face. "You can attack them after their game."

"And," Matt points out. "We tell them to not do anything to you before your performances."

"Fine," I huff with a small smile.

"Do you guys know if Natalia or your mom has gone food shopping?" Nash asks. Ryan stands and makes his way over to Nash. He says something, but I can't quite hear. "Oh... um, I'll go check on her." Ashley reaches for Matt. "I'll be done in a little bit." I nod confusingly. What was that about?

"Is dad here?" I ask. Matt gives me a sad look.

"No, sorry... He and Claire had to stay on set for several more hours. I don't think he'll be back in time to go to the airport with us or for dinner."

"Oh..." I frown slightly disappointed.

"He'll definitely be home tomorrow," Matt half smiles. I nod and turn back towards my assignments.

"Grace?" Cooper asks. I sigh and pull my assignments towards me.

Riley Dallas' pov:

I hear a light knock at the bedroom door before it opens and I see Nash's head pop in. He looks around before his eyes find mine.

"Can I come in?" I nod slightly as I sat at the side edge of my bed slightly nauseous still. I take a sip of water and take a few deep breaths. Nash makes his way over to me and takes a seat beside me looking unsure. "You alright there?"


"Ryan said you weren't feeling well. Are you sure you're alright?" I look down and sigh. I suddenly feel slightly upset Cameron is not here. Mood swings. "You look upset now. I can call Cam and tell him to come home if you'd like."

"I don't want to disrupt him from the set and filming."

"If you're really not feeling that well, it doesn't matter if he's working. He should take an extra day off to take care of you."

"I can't let him do that," I say referring to the pregnancy. Cam told me he was going to tell Nash to help keep an eye on me. He should know.

"Why is that?" He asks confusingly.

"What? You don't know?" He shakes his head and has the most confused expression.

"You're clueless... Cam didn't tell you, did he?"

"Don't think he has mentioned anything very out of the blue with you." I mentally sigh to myself.

"Of course he has forgotten to mention it to you. I should have realized."

"Mention to me what? I still have no idea what's going on."

"I'm twelve weeks pregnant, tomorrow." I look towards Nash and watch as his expression changes. His mouth parts in shock then the excitement hits him and I'm immediately engulfed into a huge side hug.

"This is amazing Ri. This is... wow. I'm really happy for you and Cam."

"I'm glad you know now," I half smile.


"Thank you. You're the second one to know now."

"Who is the other?"

"Shawn." He nods and looks towards my stomach. "He's really excited about it."

"Im probably just as excited,"he chuckles. "I remember when Crystal had Ashley. This is going to be wonderful news. When are you and Cam going to make the announcement?"

"Hopefully on Saturday or maybe Sunday," I smile. "Cam and I have an appointment tomorrow morning."

"Oh..." he frowns slightly.

"He forgot about tomorrow, didn't he?" I sigh again use to the disappointment at this point.

"Ri, He didn't mean to forget. It probably slipped his mind." I nod trying my hardest to not to show how much this bothers me.

"I guess."

"I'm really sorry, I feel bad now. Cam should be with you tomorrow." I shake my head.

"Just let him be. He's been like this for the past three months."

"Three months like what? Ri, really. What is going on?"

"I understand you guys have the show and it takes lot of time, but I'm pretty upset of what he decides to do during the little off time he has besides sleep. I feel like Cam isn't happy about the baby."

"I'm sure that's not true. You and Cam have been planning this for so long. Maybe it was an accident that this slipped his mind."

"Yeah," I agree wanting to avoid how I really feel about this. Nash and I don't usually have deep conversations about anything. He has been a really great friend and has apologize to me many times from years ago, but... I can't talk to him like the way I do with Shawn, Jack or even Cam. "I just... don't want to go to the appointment."

"You're not going alone. Cam is going to go with you and I'll make sure of it." I nod and look at the time. "In fact, I'll personally go talk to Cam right now to remind him."

"Nash, you're the best," I half smile.

"I'll head back to the studio. Are you taking the kids with you to go grocery shopping?"

"No, I think I'll quickly get everything for dinner and breakfast and come back before we leave for the airport."

"Alright. I think Matt wanted to go with you. Hope and Crystal should be getting out of work around five-thirty. I'll take Ashley with me."

"Alright," I say softly as we both stand now. "Thank you for checking up on me." Nash smiles and nods slightly.

"Must make sure my best friends wife is alright." I laugh lightly as I take my purse from the table and we make our way out.


Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to the 2017 year. 

Hope all of you have a wonderful year and hope you make amazing memories 💙

Excited to share a few new stories with you guys this year (:


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