Chapter 67 Welcome Home Feast.

Start from the beginning

"Fili, Kili, what brings you by?" Dis asks as she enters the room.

"We have come to inform you that there is a welcoming feast for all those who have returned from Ered Luin tonight."

"Tonight, why with such short notice?"

Fili looked at his feet. "Well I invited King Bard and his family over for dinner this evening so they could get to know you and when I told Uncle, he decided that a feast was in order."

Dis thought for a moment, a smirk crossed her lips at the thought of the girl not being able to prepare in such short notice. This should show Thorin just how unfit she is to be Queen let alone be his wife. Fili and Kili looked at each other, a little disturbed by their mother's smile.

"I think it's a wonderful idea to have a feast, I look forward to getting to know your young lady better, Fili, and her family. Now if you will excuse me I need to get ready for the feast." With that Dis turned and walked out of the room.

Everything was ready, Everyone went home to get ready for the feast. Thorin returned home, he entered into he bed chamber to find his wife in a robe heading into the wash room to take a bath. He smiled at the sight and wrapped his arms around Alina waist.

"Hello, Amrâlimê, how was your day?" Thorin asks as he moves her hair aside kissing her neck.

Alina lets out a sigh, "It was good, and yours?"

"Mmm, tiring and very busy, I am very glad to be home with you. I see you are about to take a bath, may I join you?" He whispers in her ear then nibbled on her earlobe."

Alina turns in his arms and kisses him. "Of course you can join me, but all we're going to do is bathe, Thorin, this is no time to play we have to get ready for this feast."

Thorin gets this disappointed petulant look on his face but agrees, "Fine, but tonight we will play until my heart's content, deal?"

Alina kisses his nose, "Whatever you want, my love."

With that settled, Thorin picks up Alina and heads to the bath. True to their word, they only bathe, but taking great pleasure in washing each other. Finally they come out, Thorin went to his wardrobe to gathered his underclothes and his black trousers with a royal blue tunic, his royal blue coat and black boots. Changing into his underclothes, he then has Alina sit in a chair in front of his so he can brush out her hair. Running his fingers through her hair lovingly then he rebraids her courting braid. They switch places to give Alina the opportunity to brush out Thorin's luxurious hair, he closes his eyes as she massages his scalp down to his shoulders, releasing all the tension that was held there. Then she redid his braids, when she was finished she put her chin on his shoulder and looked at him through the mirror.

"There, handsome as always, now get out." Alina said smiling at him through the mirror.

"Get out, this is my bedroom as well, my love."

"Yes, but couldn't you get ready in the other room, I need to get ready with Doriel's help and I want it to be a surprise."

Thorin huffs, then gathers his clothes, "Fine, I shall get dressed in the other room." He stands up, kissing her tenderly on the lips then takes his leave.

Alina ties her robe more securely around herself, she pulls out her curling irons, plugs it in when she hears a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The door opens revealing Natasha also dressed in a robe carrying a garment bag and her makeup kit.

"I have come to commendeer your curling irons, since your room is the only one besides the birthing room that has electricity." Natasha says with a smile.

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