Chapter 61: Clean House to Spend A Drunk Night

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Sean's POV

The limo parked outside of Mel's house as we all opened the door and stepped out. We had all texted our parents to say that we were probably staying the night out and they all seemed to say yes. Except for Dan and Phil. We dropped then off at their house after they said they were tired, sadly.

I was kind of scared, i had only seen my dad drunk, and that was just scary. That's why i avoided being drunk at all times, I hated my dad, especially when he got to alcohol.

We walked into Melanie's big white front door and stepped into the house. "Make yourself at home", She said as she ran off into the kitchen. He house was very nice, she didn't keep it completely tidy, with some things lying around by it was very clean. As we entered i couldn't keep my eyes of the pastel pink wall in the hall, the stair case was white with a pastel pink fluffy rug that sat on top of the white marble floor.

Her couch was a soft baby blue, with a white floor carpet and a baby blue mat. Her walls were baby blue with a white coffee table that lay in front of the couch, i don't know how she could keep it clean though, if that was in my house i would wreck it in a second, the white would be smudged and practically grey and the carpet would be covered in stains if this was my house. It was beautiful.

We all sat at the couch, Felix and Cry sat on the mat on the floor and Daniel and Joey sat beside me and Mark as he put his arm around me. I smiled at his touch before Melanie walked into the room with whiskey, wine and beer. Mark, Daniel, Felix, Cry and Joey laughed as her hands were full of the alcohol. Mark and Daniel both got up to place everything on the coffee table.

Mark grabbed a beer and began gulping it down as Melanie switched the T.V on. No one was really paying attention, we were all talking and being stupid as they drank. I had one beer, but only took sips. Daniel had a glass of wine and was now on his second one and Joey hadn't picked any up yet, Felix had gulped down a lot of beer, and Cry wasn't far behind. I do have to admit, beer tastes pretty good.

We talked and talked until Melanie started to slur a little, along with Mark and Mia a couple minutes later. I ignored the slurs and giggles that came from them and tried to talk to them like they were sober. By the end of the night everything seemed to be okay. Melanie and Mia were about to pass out though, giggling to one another.

"Ill put these upstairs", Daniel laughed as he lead them in the direction of the stairs with Joey helping too. I turned back to Felix to see him and Cry sharing a strong, heated kiss. "Get a room", I laughed before they giggled back and stumbled out of the room. "Who is sleeping down here tonight?", Daniel asked as he walked back into the room and looked at me and Mark. "You guys can sleep upstairs, i cant be arsed to get Mark's ass up there", I chuckled as they laughed along.

"Okay, see you tomorrow", Daniel said as he put his arm around Joey and lead him upstairs. I suddenly fell back as Mark smashed his lips into mine. I began kissing back but pushed him off within seconds, "Mark, your drunk as fuck", I told him as i sat him up. "And your n-not gonna take advantage of thaaat", He slurred.

"No, you should go to sleep", I told him, a little sternly. "But i want youuu, babbbyy", He slurred yet again as he pushed me back down and began kissing me again...

Lol, hopped u guys liked that update, im sorry it was short but i just felt like that was a good part to leave it on. Sorry about my last chapter btw, normally i check everything and make any corrections but when i updated Chapter 60 i was rlly tired and forgot to correct any mistakes, ive done it now though lol. Bye beans!

Stay alive and Stay happy

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