Chapter 14: Loves, Laughs and Payback!

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Sean's POV

I told Mark that i would meet him at his house but i had to go quickly somewhere. I walked onto my street and walk quickly, but extremely carefully to my door. I slowly opened the door handle slightly and crept in. My mum saw me from the living room and her face lit up. "Oh my god sean i'm so happy that your safe!", she exclaimed, hugging me. "Yeah thanks mum, I've missed you, even if it has been a day. I hope that that idiot isn't hurting you! Don't worry about me, i have a good", i hesitated a little,"..... friend to stay with, i just needed to get some things like my clothes", i told her quietly, just in case my dad decided to show up.

She nodded, understanding that it was best for me to stay away from my farther. "Well... hes been more angry now that you've gone but hes not too bad with his hitting at the moment", she told me. I looked a her sympathetically and hugged her tightly before running to my room and grabbing some clothes and my septieye sam plushie and stuffing them all into my school bag.

I hurried out, waving to my mum. I got my phone out and started texting Mark that i was on my way to his house.

Me: Hey Mark! Im on my way

Mark: Hey where were u?

Me: Ill tell u when i get back

Mark: Kk, btw meh mum is coming home tomorrow with my dad

Me: Thats fine, i thought they went on a trip thou

Mark: Yeah, only a like 2 day one, my mum left yesterday morning 2 go 2 a work trip and my dad was there already, he called her for help so yesh, that probs explains i all lol

Me: Yeah XD anyways im nearly there cya >.<

Mark: Bye

(He typed and then stopped and then typed again. Like he was scared to tell me something. I then saw the text come through)

Mark: Babe

I was so flattered by what he wrote! It was so adorable and it was like we were a couple. I didn't type anything in response because i thought it would be weird.

Time skip - Marks house

I walked into Marks house before he hugged me tightly as i walked through he door. "Hey jack! Don't forget, we have our date tonight!", he exclaimed happily. "Yeah! Cant wait", i told him before we both walked upstairs. "So... What did ya go and get?", he asked curiously. "Oh well... I have to stay here because of some family issues so i went to my house quickly to grab some clothes and junk like that", I told him, hoping he wouldn't ask about the "family issues". He just smiled and nodded, "Well, okay, i like you round here anyway", he told me before i smile and took my clothes out, laying them on the floor by the drawers. He looked into my back and saw my septiceye plushie as i blushed a little. He grabbed hold of it and carefully took it out of the back, "Aww.. Its really cute he told me", expecting Sam. Too bad the name Sam was also my enemy. But i guess i just had to deal with it.

"Oh yeah umm... Mark?", I asked nervously. "What?", he asked curiously. "So..... umm ya know umm Dan's year, year nine?", i asked him slowly. "Yeahhh..", he told me uncertain of what i was going to say. "So umm... they kind of got in a fight with, Dan. I don't know if you heard or not but... it went round the school because Dan.. got beaten.. up". He looked filled with rage after i told him. "Who the fuck was it!?", he asked angrily. "Uh i dunno' sorry, i think one of them was Bradley... Yeah.. Bradley", i told him, a little scared of his reaction.

"That fucker!!", he exclaimed furiously punching the bad he was sitting on. "I'm gonna' kill him tomorrow. I just nodded at him. We suddenly heard the front door open and Tyler giving Dan a pigging back up the stairs, his head resting in Tyler shoulders, it was quite cute actually. Mark knew that hey looked adorable but he wanted answers, "Dan! Who the fuck hurt you!?", he shouted as Tyler carried Dan up the stairs. He sighed before he told Mark who it was, quietly,"Austin, Justin and Brad", Mark punched the wall in anger. "But its ok! My baby came to my rescue, he told me and Mark before kissing Tyler's cheek.

"What do you mean?", Mark asked unsurely. "Tyler punched and kicked Bradley, Kicked Justin and punched Austin!", he shouted happily as he jumped off Tyler's back. "Whoa! Nice one Tyler!", Mark told him. I laughed before saying, "Who knew you could kick so much ass?", Tyler smiled before Dan said sweetly, "My hero!", as him and Tyler shared a sweet kiss. I gave Mark a small peck on the lips.

The dates coming soon! But i cant be arsed to write it, ill probably write it soon when i get bored so.... sometime between midnight and 4am. Sound good? Lol im always up till then and just start writing fanfics. Well, it will be up between 12am - 4am in the UK or between 5pm - 9pm in america. XD i finally learned that u guys in America r 7 hours earlier than me, from meh smol bean fren who lives in america! Lucky! Cause when i get home from school meh fren has litterally just woke up XD byeeeeeessss!

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